Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




The Costly Unneccesary Risk A/E/C Keeps Taking


Trust and nurturing relationships are mission critical in business and life. 

The best wisdom and career advice I've ever heard is in this short video clip.

And it applies to the A/E/C industry and your firm.

Take a look.

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Refining Your Communication Just Got Way Easy

Strengthening your communication skills doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming.

In the chaotic world of A/E/C, on-demand learning helps you combat burnout and stress.

That's why we've opened our curated Communication Vault to the public!


Now you can access the timeless tips, processes, and strategies I share in my Amplify programs whenever you need support and tools.

The key to the Communication Vault is here!

 So if you're wanting to:

Enhance your body language in shortlisted meetings

Improve small talk when networking

Be seen as a trusted subject matter expert...

…the Communication Vault has all the tools you need to be engaging and self-assured.

We're always adding fresh content, too: short video clips, webinars, worksheets, and guides to uplevel your communication and boost your confidence.

Check out the Communication Vault here!

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Becoming More Approachable and Confident at A/E/C Meetings

You don't have to say anything at shortlisted interviews and networking events.

Others pick up on your body language and subconsciously decide if you are approachable.

Your nonverbal communication says it all. 

Humans are "people-watchers." 

Research has long shown that we observe more than we listen. 

Prospects and clients make snap decisions in under five seconds about whether to engage with you. 

This underscores the importance of your nonverbal cues.

How do you move and behave?

What is your face "saying" about your confidence and mood?

Are your gestures (even if you're standing alone in a luncheon) inviting and welcoming?

Yes, architecture, engineering, and construction firms hire me to teach staff how to confidently and clearly speak and deliver presentations. 

It's easy to get your words tangled. I get it.

Still, impactful communicators reach beyond their words so they win pursuits. 

They recognize that nonverbal skills are...

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How Engineers Re-Invent Themselves as Confident Communicators

Welcome to the Future.

That's the theme of National Engineer's Week. It's a 73-year-old observance that's especially relevant to you today.

The National Society of Professional Engineers' goal is for a diverse, well-educated future workforce.

Why does this feel like a lofty milestone for a highly proficient and technical workforce?

Because at the core of the mission is your weakness.

Interpersonal communication.

Becoming an effective communicator demands more than an ongoing commitment to learn. 

It's about your willingness to evolve.

With this year's futuristic theme, engineering firms must get back to basics. 

Engineering programs need to teach the importance of how human connections ignite successful careers. 

Developing confidence, public speaking, and business networking skills are not one-off classes. 

They are different from credentialing programs.

Interpersonal communication in engineering doesn't involve pushing papers or file management.


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A/E/C Wins Bid Packages with This 1 Quality

When do you feel the most confident?

When you know in your heart you've prepared and are ready. 

You FEEL self-assured and skilled at what you do.

You trust yourself at a deep core level. 

Forget the business adage that feelings don't belong in the office.

You have to consider how you physically feel when you think about:

With physical tightness, anxiety, or a headache, you're not ready. 

You can't be confident and win bids when you don't feel secure and strong. 

Architects, engineers, and construction pros win bid packages by preparing their data.

And their mindsets.

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Do These 4 Things to Get Paid Speaking Gigs

Painfully blunt is the way my hubs describes me.

Not gonna mince words here.

If you’re pitching yourself to event organizers who hire speakers….and all you get are crickets and maybe a gig for “volunteer speakers” …you’re wasting your time and energy.

You DON’T need to:

Create a slick Speaker 1-sheet with new branded photos

Pay for a goofball “speaker reel” video that's staged with “real people”

Join Toastmasters or spend big bucks on a voice coach

Waste a ton of time, money, and energy writing a book

Here’s what you DO need to do:

Connect your topic to the theme of an event so that decision-makers know you "get" their audience

Have a 1-minute video clip from a real talk that showcases your personality and expertise

Work on your internal voice first so that you quiet self-doubt (and get contracts, not crickets!)

Fine-tune your topic and description so organizers see you're a polished pro (and they can easily...

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My Client Was Full of It, and You Probably Are, Too

Humans are born with only 2 fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises.

Science proves it.

Everything else you’re afraid of was learned, most likely in your childhood (0-7 years old)

And we carry these fears—and the stories behind them—with us…for years.

• You talk about being afraid of heights.

• You talk about being afraid of dogs, spiders, or snakes.

• You talk about your fear of public speaking. Then, you give momentum to your (learned) story by talking about the presentation you messed up…in 2012.

Our words create our worlds.

And they usually keep us from growing ourselves and our businesses.

So, what are you afraid of, aside from maybe falling and loud noises?

My client, Don, was reflecting with me about how transformative this fear lesson has been for him.

Don’s a super smart techie.

He was studying computer languages long before the rest of us found the Internet.

His programs have been used by the Pentagon and...

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10 Ways to Build Rapport So You Have Deeper Relationships at Work

Building rapport with others—whether it’s in person or online—takes practice. Much of it is intuitive. 

Rapport is about creating a bond, link, connection, and understanding. 

The goal is to connect and engage people so that they are thinking, feeling, reacting, and involved.

Humans crave connection and want to be understood.  

Rapport building is an art and skill in communication that’s used daily in all our relationships.

Here are 10 tips to connect and build rapport with others: 

  1. Act approachable. When mingling face-to-face, be aware of how you move and behave. Notice how confident and easy-going folks network. Use body language and gestures that are inviting. When you’re online, have a welcoming and intriguing profile or video. Smile in your profile picture; it matters! 

  2. Ask good questions. People love to talk about themselves so develop your listening skills and curiosity. Learn how to ask powerful questions and...

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The #1 Issue that Keeps Slowing Your Business Growth

I want to get in front of people who can hire me; I want to grow my business! 

That’s what I’ve been hearing these past few weeks on social media and from my own client calls. 

Look, social media gives each of us access to the masses.

So, it’s not hard to get in front of people—even the right people who are your dream clients. 

Still, there’s a challenge that most entrepreneurs and coaches don’t recognize.

It’s this: What do you SAY when you get in front of your peeps?

If you’re like most of my clients, when we first start working together, they say the same thing.

You’re not alone…

  • Maria thought her problem was only having a few small clients (and struggling to make money). Then she realized she needed the confidence to talk about herself in a big, bold way.
  • Chris thought he wasn’t closing enough sales. Then he realized he didn’t feel worthy enough to speak up. 
  • Heidi knew she...
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How to Captivate Prospects at Networking Events

Got a goal to get more clients in 2020? 

Want to learn how to easily captivate prospects when networking?  

I’m launching a new online course on how to create a clear and simple introduction when meeting new people at networking events.

This is perfect if you’re frustrated with your 30-second introduction and want to know the right words to use, and how to confidently explain yourself so folks will listen and want to hire—and refer you.    

I'm looking to beta test the material in exchange for feedback and testimonials. The course value is $597! No charge for you!

Here are some things we MAY cover:

 • Connecting to the audience (knowing exactly what people want from you & tailoring your message) 

• Simplifying your introduction so it’s crystal-clear—and intriguing

• Tapping testimonials for sharing jaw-dropping praise and results from your happy clients


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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants