Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




Top 3 Tips to Get You Started as a Paid Speaker

Showing up isn’t worth Jack these days.

In fact, it never was.

Showing up AND getting paid to speak up is different.

Because you're communicating in a strategic way that's relevant and meaningful to others. Now that's worth something. It's about selling your expertise AND getting in front of a captive audience (lead gen!).  

It’s a smart way of doing business that requires a tinge of boldness and self-confidence. 

It’s not about being pushy or arrogant.

It’s knowing deep in your heart that your knowledge and experiences will impact people who hear you.

It’s you knowing that your voice matters. 

And it does.

The question is: Are you bold enough to pitch yourself to event organizers who can book you? 

Look, anyone can take up space. It's a higher-level conversation when you're paid as a subject matter expert. more hiding.

Here are my 3 top ways to get in the door with people who can book you to speak online and on...

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Everyone Can Hear You

Our communication is an “inside job.”

Whatever story we believe about ourselves becomes the soundtrack of our lives.

  • I always get in a sales rut in the summer.
  • I need to hire an assistant but I’m not making enough money.
  • I suck at online networking.

When you have a high level of self-awareness, you notice the internal chatter. Then, if it's toxic, you can make a change.

The good thing is that you can decide anytime, any day, to re-record your self-talk jabbering. You control the radio dial in your head.

So what are you listening to???

A soundtrack of worry, weeds, and unworthiness? 

Or are you tuned to a soundtrack of success and live with a sense of ease and optimism? 

Getting real here. I have often kidded myself into thinking no one else can hear my berating voice.

Sound familiar? 

I was soooo wrong.

Talking s**t about ourselves is sneaky. It creeps into our conversations, emails, messaging, and videos. Every. Single. Day.

When we decide to tune...

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Do These 4 Things to Get Paid Speaking Gigs

Painfully blunt is the way my hubs describes me.

Not gonna mince words here.

If you’re pitching yourself to event organizers who hire speakers….and all you get are crickets and maybe a gig for “volunteer speakers” …you’re wasting your time and energy.

You DON’T need to:

Create a slick Speaker 1-sheet with new branded photos

Pay for a goofball “speaker reel” video that's staged with “real people”

Join Toastmasters or spend big bucks on a voice coach

Waste a ton of time, money, and energy writing a book

Here’s what you DO need to do:

Connect your topic to the theme of an event so that decision-makers know you "get" their audience

Have a 1-minute video clip from a real talk that showcases your personality and expertise

Work on your internal voice first so that you quiet self-doubt (and get contracts, not crickets!)

Fine-tune your topic and description so organizers see you're a polished pro (and they can easily...

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Why 'Scratching the Surface'​ with Content Keeps You From Making a Bigger Impact

If we took our own advice, the world would be a very different place.

I was finishing a post about our willingness to stare down the truth and "go there."

To go deep and say what truly needs to be said.

Scratching the surface helps no one.

I was ready to hit PUBLISH, but something happened.

I threw up a little in my mouth.

Lots of words that scratch the Sue Young surface.

Even the Grammarly app I use deemed the engagement as “Bland.”


So I followed my own advice to "go there." 👀

This is the real deal, Take 2.

I'm days away from finishing a year-long Mastermind program.

I'm a firm believer in learning from people who are 5-10 steps ahead of me.

To do this, I plunked down $30,000 to join Emily's Mastermind.

And I'm not even close to reaching my business goals. 🤔

Surprisingly, I am OK with this.

Because Emily's group turned me upside down and inside out. Not so much as an entrepreneur but as a human being.

As the program wraps up, I’ve done a lot of reflecting.

I'm a...

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How Our Internal Stories Slow Sales

I am LOVING my amazing client who brought in more money in Q4 of 2021 than all 3 previous quarters combined! 

Yep, John Woods beat a big competitor in the employee health benefits field.

The contract was worth $61,000.

 Here's the kicker: John had his best year—during the Pandemic! (Most of my other clients have as well )

 How did this banner year happen when John's marketing was inconsistent and paid ads didn't convert?  

 John says the results **finally** showed up…WHEN HE SHOWED UP, for himself. He made a commitment to private coaching with me. 

 And I immediately nailed John's real issue.

 It had ZILCH to do with marketing. 

 John had to clear out the blocks around his internal story and self-worth.

 John had never heard this from other coaches or consultants. 

He had to love his story --and himself--so decision-makers could appreciate his value and approach--and hire him. 

  Bottom line: If...

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Getting Prospects to Believe You

I talk A LOT about how to introduce yourself so you are seen and heard --and grow your business.  

I am obsessed with my work not because people walk away with a concise introduction. 

Something is hiding deep beneath the words. And it has become my mission.  

It’s the real reason I do what I do. It has taken me a lifetime—59 years and torrents of tearsto understand my fixation on other people's stories.

It began when I was four years old. I didn't speak.

My parents thought I was deaf, but the doctor told them I was fine.

He said I didn't talk because I communicated in a way that didn't require words. When I was hungry, I’d bang on the refrigerator.

No words or voice were necessary.  

So, what does a little girl who did not speak until age 4 do with her life? 

I went to college and majored in mass communications. Go figure. 

I quickly found the campus radio station, a place filled with microphones and speakers...

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The #1 Issue that Keeps Slowing Your Business Growth

I want to get in front of people who can hire me; I want to grow my business! 

That’s what I’ve been hearing these past few weeks on social media and from my own client calls. 

Look, social media gives each of us access to the masses.

So, it’s not hard to get in front of people—even the right people who are your dream clients. 

Still, there’s a challenge that most entrepreneurs and coaches don’t recognize.

It’s this: What do you SAY when you get in front of your peeps?

If you’re like most of my clients, when we first start working together, they say the same thing.

You’re not alone…

  • Maria thought her problem was only having a few small clients (and struggling to make money). Then she realized she needed the confidence to talk about herself in a big, bold way.
  • Chris thought he wasn’t closing enough sales. Then he realized he didn’t feel worthy enough to speak up. 
  • Heidi knew she...
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How I Made $18,000 on Clubhouse — and How You Can, Too

It’s a word I use when I talk about my husband.
And Clubhouse.
I joined Clubhouse in January. I quickly fell in love with it. It’s audio-only so it’s perfectly in line with my style.
Maybe it’s because it’s easy—no on-camera video or long written posts.
Anyway, when I speak on Clubhouse, my delivery, style, and vibe attract people.
Many listen. Some hire me.
That’s right. I’ve generated 💰 $18,000 💰in revenue from Clubhouse, and you can, too.
Simply by knowing how to talk about yourself in a concise, helpful, and personable way so people want to connect with you.
 Here's the secret:
You don’t have to share all the details of your life and career. You just have to share the right ones at the right moment.
After finding my way around Clubhouse in those first few weeks, I quickly learned how to share my knowledge,...
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Your Most Valuable Piece of Content Isn't What You Think

If this wacky Pandemic has revealed one thing about entrepreneurs, it’s this:

Most people don’t feel comfortable talking about themselves online. 


Even those with exceptional talents and experience. 

They shrink back from sharing their stories. 

They say too much…or the wrong prospects click somewhere else.

They “kind of” think they have a story that’s worthy of sharing.

Still, deep down inside they’ve convinced themselves otherwise. 

These are the common themes I’ve been seeing and hearing online and with clients since last March when the health crisis hit. 

It’s especially rampant on Clubhouse.

People are messaging me about their deep fears around what to say when introducing themselves and how to say it. 

Then I get the follow-up DM:

  • I need...
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An Empath and a Badass Walk Into a Meeting...

What happens when an empath hires a badass for coaching?

It’s not every day that deep and revealing moments happen in our businesses and lives. Often, we work to “move the needle” and “plant the seed” and all the other clichés. We wait to see if our efforts bear fruit. We grow impatient. But we grow because we want to live our life’s purpose and share our gifts with others so they can be better, stronger. We all want to discover—and live—with purpose and make meaningful contributions to the world.


When the stars align and we can answer Simon Sinek’s “Start with Why” and the “why you do what you do” makes sense deep within our souls and not our heads, we’re on the right path. It’s our calling, our purpose for being here in this moment called life.     

So, here’s the truth....

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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants