Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




Here's the Missing Piece of Communication in Construction


Interpersonal communication in A/E/C is about the CONSTRUCT of your interactions with others.

And the negative self-talk that loops around your busy brain 24/7. 

We all experience it but few know how to control the mental chatter that holds us back.

I was there, and, thankfully, I'm not there anymore.

In my interview with Ron Nussbaum, host of the Construction Champions Podcast, I'll show you how to retool your mindset and confidence so that you're a Top Tier Communicator. 

I share the crucial piece in the short clip above.

And I invite you to click here and watch the 30-minute episode on YouTube. 


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Everyone Can Hear You

Our communication is an “inside job.”

Whatever story we believe about ourselves becomes the soundtrack of our lives.

  • I always get in a sales rut in the summer.
  • I need to hire an assistant but I’m not making enough money.
  • I suck at online networking.

When you have a high level of self-awareness, you notice the internal chatter. Then, if it's toxic, you can make a change.

The good thing is that you can decide anytime, any day, to re-record your self-talk jabbering.

You control the radio dial in your head.

So what are you listening to???

A soundtrack of worry, weeds, and unworthiness? 

Or are you tuned to a soundtrack of success and live with a sense of ease and optimism?

Getting real here.

I have often kidded myself into thinking no one else can hear my berating voice.

Sound familiar? 

I was soooo wrong.

Talking s**t about ourselves is sneaky.

It creeps into our conversations, emails, messaging, and BD meetings. Every. Single. Day.

When we decide to...

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3 Easy Body Language Tips to Sharpen Your Communication


Are your teeth visible in your profile pictures online? 

This is not a trick question, it's quite important in how people perceive you. And how you communicate.

I share a tip on why...or why should show your teeth in pictures. Especially in professional headshots and branded pix. 

Click the 3-minute video above for the details. 

Plus...I've included something fun for you about why body language is critical in our communication.

Are you smiling with your teeth showing in your pictures? Comment below!

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Why the World Needs to Hear Your {Real} Story

She was molested by her father.
She was raped. Twice.
She suffered a traumatic brain injury and couldn’t leave her house for months.
He was teased incessantly for stuttering as a child.
She was in a psychiatric hospital many times—against her will.
He is an alcoholic who lost his driving privileges.
These are my clients.
They are speakers, advocates, coaches, therapists, authors, and consultants.
Most share their stories because they want to impact others. They want to heal.
Infusing personal stories in our businesses—online or onstage—cracks open our humanness.
It’s about the revelation.
An exceptional story exposes our mic-drop lessons that impact others, emotionally and spiritually.
Granted, sharing deep shame is not for everyone.
If you do feel called to use your voice and share your story, know...
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Your Messaging and Lead Gen Are Still Off Because You're Missing This Key Communication Piece

What do Donald Miller’s StoryBrand book, Toastmasters, and Dale Carnegie have in common?
They’ve pretty much missed the boat. 👀
You may have read StoryBrand. I loved it—and even interviewed Donald Miller in person in 2018. 
Toastmasters helped improve my public speaking in 2002. Big fan.
Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People was the first self-development book I read. Timeless.
Like me, you've probably invested in top coaches, books, and programs, too.
For some reason, though, your lead gen is still lousy, and your copy doesn't convert.
🎯The crucial prerequisite that's missing YOU!🎯
All the strategy in the world is useless if you are (silently) doubting yourself.
👀You see, our communication is an “inside job.”
To reach new levels of success, you’ve got to notice AND do something to stop...
• Your internal story...
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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants