Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




Here's the Missing Piece of Communication in Construction


Interpersonal communication in A/E/C is about the CONSTRUCT of your interactions with others.

And the negative self-talk that loops around your busy brain 24/7. 

We all experience it but few know how to control the mental chatter that holds us back.

I was there, and, thankfully, I'm not there anymore.

In my interview with Ron Nussbaum, host of the Construction Champions Podcast, I'll show you how to retool your mindset and confidence so that you're a Top Tier Communicator. 

I share the crucial piece in the short clip above.

And I invite you to click here and watch the 30-minute episode on YouTube. 


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Elevate C-Suite Communication with These 4 Quick Questions

Hats off to A/E/C execs who admit there are weak spots in how top leaders communicate.

It's easy to look at younger staff and generational differences.

The C-suite litmus test for effective leadership is to assess your peers and colleagues. 

The upper echelons of your org chart are no different than the rank and file.

You know, the person who shows 20 pictures of his kids in a meeting.

Or the executive who misses subtle clues that others aren't paying attention.

Maybe your highly proficient peers are talking over decision-makers in meetings.

Think about top managers, directors, principals, and yourself. 

Do you know today's strategies around building trust, consensus, and influence?

They must have new tools for conflict resolution and concise agendas in meetings.

Can you share a mesmerizing story? 

Are you overdue for a communications refresher and new skills?


Why not?

Why not this?

Why not now?

Professional development...

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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants