Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




Refining Your Communication Just Got Way Easy

Strengthening your communication skills doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming.

In the chaotic world of A/E/C, on-demand learning helps you combat burnout and stress.

That's why we've opened our curated Communication Vault to the public!


Now you can access the timeless tips, processes, and strategies I share in my Amplify programs whenever you need support and tools.

The key to the Communication Vault is here!

 So if you're wanting to:

Enhance your body language in shortlisted meetings

Improve small talk when networking

Be seen as a trusted subject matter expert...

…the Communication Vault has all the tools you need to be engaging and self-assured.

We're always adding fresh content, too: short video clips, webinars, worksheets, and guides to uplevel your communication and boost your confidence.

Check out the Communication Vault here!

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Becoming More Approachable and Confident at A/E/C Meetings

You don't have to say anything at shortlisted interviews and networking events.

Others pick up on your body language and subconsciously decide if you are approachable.

Your nonverbal communication says it all. 

Humans are "people-watchers." 

Research has long shown that we observe more than we listen. 

Prospects and clients make snap decisions in under five seconds about whether to engage with you. 

This underscores the importance of your nonverbal cues.

How do you move and behave?

What is your face "saying" about your confidence and mood?

Are your gestures (even if you're standing alone in a luncheon) inviting and welcoming?

Yes, architecture, engineering, and construction firms hire me to teach staff how to confidently and clearly speak and deliver presentations. 

It's easy to get your words tangled. I get it.

Still, impactful communicators reach beyond their words so they win pursuits. 

They recognize that nonverbal skills are...

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Don't Read the Slides. Read This to Win Pursuits.

Reading slides in shortlisted interviews doesn't engage prospects.

Top-tier communicators in A/E/C know how to read the room.

Reading the room means you notice peoples' facial expressions, body language, and energy.

Do people in your presentations look distracted, impatient, or confused?

You must notice what people aren't saying.

Then, you can subtly re-engage and bring prospects back to your message without missing a beat.

Successful business development teams think on their feet in a split second. 

They know how to course correct.

There is no overwhelm or anxiety.

This technique is pivotal to winning pursuits and competitive projects.

You can learn to read the room (click the link so you can learn this skill) and form deeper connections with practice.

The slides are secondary.

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Are You Making this Huge Communication Mistake?


Sending mixed messages to prospects and clients leads to confusion.

Does your body language match your words?

Here's a 30-second video example of a classic disconnect.

I coach an engineer in our Amplify program who tells the group he's got exciting things underway.

Watch what happens. 

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Re-Engineering Your Communication to Win Bid Packages

Processes and procedures. 

A/E/C firms have long been hot on operations. 

What happens, though, when senior leaders teach new hires inefficient methods?

The cost of doing business like this is mind-boggling.

Productivity, morale, lost bids, and the labor shortage, to name a few. 

Senior management must know how to train and onboard new hires in new ways. 

Are you showing people how you scramble to prepare for a short-listed meeting the day before?

Do you confide that you don't know who will be in the room?

Does your team know when to speak and what to share?

Are they sharp and paying close attention to each other and the decision-makers?

I spoke recently at my local SMPS chapter on this topic.

The business development leaders unanimously agree:

They need (and want) to learn new communication and selling strategies, such as:  

  • Storytelling
  • Reading the room
  • Body language
  • Vocal pacing so that your words *land* with...
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A Body Language Tip to Make You Smile


Our non-verbal communication is VERY telling.

Words wield power. Still it's our gestures, facial expressions, and body language that speaks volumes!

Today is World Smile Day. How does this tie into our business communication?

In this 3-minute video, I'll tell you how. Watch it here.


PS: If you're on LinkedIn and want to subscribe to my new newsletter, Become Known + Make an Impact... subscribe here.

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3 Easy Body Language Tips to Sharpen Your Communication


Are your teeth visible in your profile pictures online? 

This is not a trick question, it's quite important in how people perceive you. And how you communicate.

I share a tip on why...or why should show your teeth in pictures. Especially in professional headshots and branded pix. 

Click the 3-minute video above for the details. 

Plus...I've included something fun for you about why body language is critical in our communication.

Are you smiling with your teeth showing in your pictures? Comment below!

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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants