Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




Project Managers Can Conquer Fears of Shortlisted Presentations

You have a fear of speaking up at presentations or meetings? 

Maybe you’re afraid you stink at networking.

Or maybe you’ve been scaring yourself with imposter syndrome because you don’t have all the answers for clients. 

Read the words on the man’s shirt that I saw this morning. 

Facts Over Fear. 

Fact: All humans are born with 2 innate fears. 

1- The fear of falling.
2- The fear of loud noises. 

Somewhere along life’s journey, you’ve convinced yourself you stink at public speaking, networking, and pursuits.

Blah, blah, blah.

I was there years ago, and I’m not anymore.

Today, I know it’s all learned behavior that you can unlearn to be more successful. 

That’s a fact. 

Is it time to stop scaring yourself and staying stuck? 

Facts Over Fear. 

Reach out if you are ready to stop the negative self talk and step into your potential. 

You decide.

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Are You Making this Huge Communication Mistake?


Sending mixed messages to prospects and clients leads to confusion.

Does your body language match your words?

Here's a 30-second video example of a classic disconnect.

I coach an engineer in our Amplify program who tells the group he's got exciting things underway.

Watch what happens. 

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To Improve Internal Communication in AEC, Start Here


Busy digging into new tech to reduce misunderstandings and unorganized data?

Slow down, Skippy.

Improving internal team communication is not the first step to managing projects efficiently.

This is where your firm must begin.

In this 2-minute video, I share the breakthrough communication strategy that successful AEC clients use.

It's internal, but not what you think it is! 

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When AEC Goes 'All In' on Communication, This Happens

"I've grown from it and want to keep going."

This is what a group coaching client, Phyllis, told me today. 

I've watched her go all in these past three months of Amplify, my online coaching program. 

It's where A/E/C pros uplevel their communication, confidence, and sales. 

Still, the way to grow and get your desired results is to be eager to learn. 

Honoring commitments was also discussed in our coaching session. 

People showed up to Amplify in different ways. 

They participated on different levels.

So they dug into the content and enjoyed the wisdom and techniques they hadn't heard before.

They appreciated my no-nonsense approach to building human connections. 

Like so many in A/E/C, students wanted to:

  • Become more clear and confident in business development meetings.
  • Overcome limiting beliefs around public speaking and communication.
  • Learn high-level brain science so that selling is...
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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants