Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




The Communication Secret to Getting Buy-In From Prospects


Who cares?

That's the question you must ask yourself when preparing RFPs and A/E/C presentations.

The only way to develop trust and get buy-in from decision-makers is to be relevant.

To them!

I share my tried and true method in the 90-second clip above.

If you like this clip and want the skillset that brings buy-in and winning pursuits, check out our new online training, Top Tier Communicator. In just 3 days, you or the team you manage will have today's communication and confidence for an outstanding 2025! We start Nov. 12th! 



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How to Become a Confident Public Speaker

There's a rampant fear of public speaking in A/E/C. 

Here's the real cold hard truth about this. 

You say you're afraid or nervous about speaking up. 

But, it's not the talking part that brings anxiety. 

The underlying issue is you don't trust yourself. 

You say you don't feel confident even though you know the material inside and out. 

It's about facing your truth about the deeper issue of self-doubt and trust.

I see it every day with coaching clients and in my group programs. 

A/E/C pros who are willing to commit to becoming better communicators quickly lose their fear of public speaking. 

They actually enjoy engaging with others (and generating business.) 

It's an inside job. 

Transform your negative self-talk first to gain confidence and begin to trust yourself at a deep core level. 

Your self-inflicted fear of public speaking will subside. 

Then, you'll grow connections, opportunities, and profits.

Reach out if you're ready to...

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Project Managers Can Conquer Fears of Shortlisted Presentations

You have a fear of speaking up at presentations or meetings? 

Maybe you’re afraid you stink at networking.

Or maybe you’ve been scaring yourself with imposter syndrome because you don’t have all the answers for clients. 

Read the words on the man’s shirt that I saw this morning. 

Facts Over Fear. 

Fact: All humans are born with 2 innate fears. 

1- The fear of falling.
2- The fear of loud noises. 

Somewhere along life’s journey, you’ve convinced yourself you stink at public speaking, networking, and pursuits.

Blah, blah, blah.

I was there years ago, and I’m not anymore.

Today, I know it’s all learned behavior that you can unlearn to be more successful. 

That’s a fact. 

Is it time to stop scaring yourself and staying stuck? 

Facts Over Fear. 

Reach out if you are ready to stop the negative self talk and step into your potential. 

You decide.

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The Human Factor in A/E/C Communication is Timeless

It’s just a fad. 

That’s what people and business analysts said 20 years ago when social media started to take off. 

None of us has a crystal ball around how we’ll interact, connect, and communicate in the next 20 years. 

That’s why it’s so freakin’ important NOT to leave behind the timeless forms of human-to-human communication:

-Being curious 

-Giving others the gift of your attention 

-Asking meaningful questions and genuinely listening 

-Using stories to connect emotionally with people 

-Developing charisma so others feel comfortable around you

It’s impossible to replace these five qualities with technology. They certainly aren’t fads

It is absolutely possible to learn these skills and live a more fulfilling life—at work and home. 

Reach out if you want to finetune your communication, leadership, and business relationships. 

A/E/C teams that want to help grow firms and their careers need...

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Real A/E/C Leaders Aren't Chasing Buy-In

Getting buy-in from senior leadership or younger A/E/C staff isn't a one-off.

Buy-in pales in comparison to trust, loyalty, and honest relationships.

Buy-in feels like you're trying to convince someone or push them over the finish line to close a sale.

People who form deeper relationships and have mutual respect don't use this phrase.

They are the leaders who:


Talk things through

Gather insights

Ask for differing opinions

Appreciate wisdom

Then they make a decision.

Critical thinkers and responsible leaders have higher-level conversations. 

They don't need others to buy into anything.

Forget buy-in.

Instead, take the time to nurture relationships, listen deeply, be respectful, and be attentive.

Yes, you may get pushback. 

Differing opinions needn't be divisive; they are opportunities to learn and evolve.

If you want to improve communication and build consensus, don't consider it "buy-in." 

Instead, be strategic and welcome others' input....

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To Improve Internal Communication in AEC, Start Here


Busy digging into new tech to reduce misunderstandings and unorganized data?

Slow down, Skippy.

Improving internal team communication is not the first step to managing projects efficiently.

This is where your firm must begin.

In this 2-minute video, I share the breakthrough communication strategy that successful AEC clients use.

It's internal, but not what you think it is! 

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Ghosting People Isn't a Form of Communication

Communication Tip:

Ghosting professional people isn't cool.

Especially those you know.

Don't read into this.

I don't have an axe to grind or a person in mind.

But I have been ghosted occasionally.

Sure, we're all busy.

Still, you DO have a split second for a quick acknowledgment or emoji.

And it takes 12 seconds to type: "I'm in the midst of a big project and deadline. Thanks for reaching out."

Common sense and courtesy go a long way.

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Speaking These 2 Words May Be Killing Your Business

The two most dangerous words when communicating in business and life are:

I know.

You may indeed know what the other person is saying.

Or trying to express.

Still, pay attention to how you say your "I know."

Is your tone one of arrogance or dismissal of someone else's idea?

This is about being self-aware.

And self-awareness is often a struggle in A/E/C.

You may be communicating to others subliminally that you are close-minded and closed-hearted.

A slight shift can help close a bid or form a new connection.

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Re-Engineering Your Communication to Win Bid Packages

Processes and procedures. 

A/E/C firms have long been hot on operations. 

What happens, though, when senior leaders teach new hires inefficient methods?

The cost of doing business like this is mind-boggling.

Productivity, morale, lost bids, and the labor shortage, to name a few. 

Senior management must know how to train and onboard new hires in new ways. 

Are you showing people how you scramble to prepare for a short-listed meeting the day before?

Do you confide that you don't know who will be in the room?

Does your team know when to speak and what to share?

Are they sharp and paying close attention to each other and the decision-makers?

I spoke recently at my local SMPS chapter on this topic.

The business development leaders unanimously agree:

They need (and want) to learn new communication and selling strategies, such as:  

  • Storytelling
  • Reading the room
  • Body language
  • Vocal pacing so that your words *land* with...
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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants