Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




Do You Know Enough About the Prospects You're Pursuing?

The phone call was from a 215-Philly area code.

Assuming it was my cousin, Marc, I picked up the phone.

To my surprise, the caller was a woman who knew my first name. 

She asked to speak with the director of technology for my firm.

As an entrepreneur for 24 years, my firm has an agile team of freelancers and part-timers. 

Interestingly, the technology department is my husband. 

He's an IT project manager working in the next room in our home.

The key takeaway from this encounter is the importance of thorough research before shortlisted interviews and networking events.

Look online for insights about people you'll be interacting with so you know their values, projects, and interests.

You'll gain valuable information and have more meaningful and memorable conversations. 

This level of preparation not only establishes trust and respect. It also fosters genuine connections with decision-makers. 

Know your audience ahead of time. 

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A/E/C Wins Bid Packages with This 1 Quality

When do you feel the most confident?

When you know in your heart you've prepared and are ready. 

You FEEL self-assured and skilled at what you do.

You trust yourself at a deep core level. 

Forget the business adage that feelings don't belong in the office.

You have to consider how you physically feel when you think about:

With physical tightness, anxiety, or a headache, you're not ready. 

You can't be confident and win bids when you don't feel secure and strong. 

Architects, engineers, and construction pros win bid packages by preparing their data.

And their mindsets.

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