Interpersonal communication in A/E/C is about the CONSTRUCT of your interactions with others.
And the negative self-talk that loops around your busy brain 24/7.
We all experience it but few know how to control the mental chatter that holds us back.
I was there, and, thankfully, I'm not there anymore.
In my interview with Ron Nussbaum, host of the Construction Champions Podcast, I'll show you how to retool your mindset and confidence so that you're a Top Tier Communicator.
I share the crucial piece in the short clip above.
And I invite you to click here and watch the 30-minute episode on YouTube.
You don't have to say anything at shortlisted interviews and networking events.
Others pick up on your body language and subconsciously decide if you are approachable.
Your nonverbal communication says it all.
Humans are "people-watchers."
Research has long shown that we observe more than we listen.
Prospects and clients make snap decisions in under five seconds about whether to engage with you.
This underscores the importance of your nonverbal cues.
How do you move and behave?
What is your face "saying" about your confidence and mood?
Are your gestures (even if you're standing alone in a luncheon) inviting and welcoming?
Yes, architecture, engineering, and construction firms hire me to teach staff how to confidently and clearly speak and deliver presentations.
It's easy to get your words tangled. I get it.
Still, impactful communicators reach beyond their words so they win pursuits.
They recognize that nonverbal skills are...
There's a rampant fear of public speaking in A/E/C.
Here's the real cold hard truth about this.
You say you're afraid or nervous about speaking up.
But, it's not the talking part that brings anxiety.
The underlying issue is you don't trust yourself.
You say you don't feel confident even though you know the material inside and out.
It's about facing your truth about the deeper issue of self-doubt and trust.
I see it every day with coaching clients and in my group programs.
A/E/C pros who are willing to commit to becoming better communicators quickly lose their fear of public speaking.
They actually enjoy engaging with others (and generating business.)
It's an inside job.
Transform your negative self-talk first to gain confidence and begin to trust yourself at a deep core level.
Your self-inflicted fear of public speaking will subside.
Then, you'll grow connections, opportunities, and profits.
If you''ve been in a shortlisted interview and don't have the answer to a question, don't beat yourself up.
Watch the 1-minute video above and quit the negative self-talk so you can truly shine!
You have a fear of speaking up at presentations or meetings?
Maybe you’re afraid you stink at networking.
Or maybe you’ve been scaring yourself with imposter syndrome because you don’t have all the answers for clients.
Read the words on the man’s shirt that I saw this morning.
Facts Over Fear.
Fact: All humans are born with 2 innate fears.
1- The fear of falling.
2- The fear of loud noises.
Somewhere along life’s journey, you’ve convinced yourself you stink at public speaking, networking, and pursuits.
Blah, blah, blah.
I was there years ago, and I’m not anymore.
Today, I know it’s all learned behavior that you can unlearn to be more successful.
That’s a fact.
Is it time to stop scaring yourself and staying stuck?
Facts Over Fear.
Reach out if you are ready to stop the negative self talk and step into your potential.
You decide.
So many people are oblivious to the negative self-talk loop playing in their heads every day.
I was there most of my life.
And I'm not there anymore.
A/E/C coaching clients admit they beat themselves up with imposter syndrome.
Many feel unprepared for last-minute meetings.
Others are self-conscious about not having "all the answers."
Have you convinced yourself you lack the personality and confidence to step into leadership?
Does this resonate with you?
The best news is that negative self-talk is not a permanent condition!
Self-awareness and trusting yourself bring empowerment and new energy.
In this 2-minute video clip from the archives (2010!!), I shed light on how to transform with positive self-talk.
Ready to get out of your own way and head?
Click above to see the clip.
When do you feel the most confident?
When you know in your heart you've prepared and are ready.
You FEEL self-assured and skilled at what you do.
You trust yourself at a deep core level.
Forget the business adage that feelings don't belong in the office.
You have to consider how you physically feel when you think about:
With physical tightness, anxiety, or a headache, you're not ready.
You can't be confident and win bids when you don't feel secure and strong.
Architects, engineers, and construction pros win bid packages by preparing their data.
And their mindsets.
To be seen as a subject matter expert, you must know how to articulate your message.
It's not tricky.
The magic isn't in a bid package.
It's not about your slide deck.
It's not about how long you've been in the A/E/C industry.
You have to feel like a subject matter expert and leader.
You have to be willing to speak up. With Confidence. Charisma. Heart. Stories.
At meetings and conferences. Podcast and media interviews. On videos. At internal gatherings.
Look, you know your "stuff."
If the communication piece is missing, you can't share your knowledge and wisdom. #Fact
Whether you're a guest on a podcast or you host one, it's super important to be prepared for the right and best conversation.
It starts long before you start recording.
This 3-minute video sheds light on how to find the right show, virtual event, and audience to share your expertise. (Hint: Your interview is an organic lead magnet!)
Click the video above to watch and learn!
Speaker Rant Here:
You wanna become a paid speaker so you can share your stories and change lives.
That's wonderful.
There's a huge mistake that beginners make that I want you to avoid at all costs.
This is the 3rd time in a few weeks I've heard something like this.
A connection on LinkedIn posted this today and I cringed. You should never experience this!
Look, a keynote is VERY different than a breakout session.
In how you craft your...
Stories and the flow of your talk
And your mindset!
A true professional speaker who gets paid to present time and time again asks the right questions from the moment they are hired so that they are absolutely in their power and can blow the doors off their presentation!!
My coaching clients know that walking into a surprise is not professional.
If you're wanting to get serious about becoming a paid speaker, let's hop on a free Story Power Session strategy call. Click this link to apply.
A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants