Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




Here's the Missing Piece of Communication in Construction


Interpersonal communication in A/E/C is about the CONSTRUCT of your interactions with others.

And the negative self-talk that loops around your busy brain 24/7. 

We all experience it but few know how to control the mental chatter that holds us back.

I was there, and, thankfully, I'm not there anymore.

In my interview with Ron Nussbaum, host of the Construction Champions Podcast, I'll show you how to retool your mindset and confidence so that you're a Top Tier Communicator. 

I share the crucial piece in the short clip above.

And I invite you to click here and watch the 30-minute episode on YouTube. 


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How to Overcome Self-Doubt When You Don't Have All the Answers


If you''ve been in a shortlisted interview and don't have the answer to a question, don't beat yourself up. 

Watch the 1-minute video above and quit the negative self-talk so you can truly shine!

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The Critical Business Angle Your Firm Needs to Beat Competitors

Angles and a 360-degree view extend beyond job sites and software.

Influential leaders are willing to explore fresh angles and perspectives in communication.

We need open minds and hearts in conversations, conflict resolution, negotiations, and presentations. 

This strategy affects creativity, confidence, and critical thinking skills. 

Can you say competitive advantage, innovation, and profitability?

New insights are necessary in conference rooms, coffee shops, and construction trailers. 

Often, there is no right or wrong. People simply have a contradictory or unique position. 

Are you open to different perspectives, views, and angles?

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In Hot Pursuit of Curiosity

Communication tip for Architects, Engineers, and Construction Professionals: 

When pursuing new business, pursue curiosity at every turn of the project lifecycle.

Curiosity helps beat competitors as it: 

Engages people
Develops deep listening
Guides you to ask better questions (gather the proper intel) 
Improves critical thinking skills
and much more.

Curiosity is a business growth strategy and leadership trait that people can learn. 

Successful A/E/C project managers use it to win shortlisted interviews.

Reach out to discover how this powerful communications and marketing tool transforms your competitive advantage.

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Talking Points Are Risky Business in Communication

There is a difference between following the “stay on message” rule and answering a specific and clear question posed by a prospect or client. 

Know the difference and how to navigate these situations. 

They are significant factors; not just communication nuances. 

Your responses can influence, persuade, and build trust in A/E/C meetings. 

Or destroy your credibility and revenue.

We see it all the time in political debates. 

Don’t allow your communication strategies to backfire. 

Sticking to talking points to stay on message shows you're not paying attention. 

It shows you're not listening and thinking on your feet. 

It shows a lack of creativity and critical thinking skills. 

It shows an agenda that others probably don't want to hear in that given moment. 

Others appreciate when we connect and communicate like human beings, not scripts, templates, or talking points. 

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Perfectly Imperfect Communication Wins More AEC Projects

Perfect people are not welcome.

That was the sign in front of a church I saw this week.

You may be one of the AEC pros who feel pressure to be the perfect communicator.

  • In seller-doer meetings.
  • In presentations.
  • On Zoom calls.
  • In networking events  online or in-person.

Here's a News Flash: Take the pressure off of yourself! 

No one wants to do business with a "perfect" person. 

You know, someone who appears to be flawless on the outside. 

Everyone has something they are dealing with or navigating.

Prospects and clients want real people. 

The ones who stumble on a few words and keep going. 

The perfectly imperfect win bids and respect. 

The kind of people who bend but don't break.

I don't teach flawless communication. 

I show you how to be a perfectly imperfect, heartfelt subject matter expert. 

To share your perfectly imperfect story. 

To be yourself.

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Risky Communication in A/E/C is Costly

Do you know this social abbreviation: IYKYK.

If you know, you know. (My adulting kids recently told me the meaning.) No judgment, please.

So, here's a loaded question for construction executives and principals...

Do you know when each person on your team last had sales or communication training?

This is a critical piece of risk management you probably haven't considered.

Risk management isn't limited to job sites or design reworks.

A/E/C firms lose market share, talent, and trust when teams can't confidently articulate their value. And their brand values.

Forget bid packages for a minute.

They need and want the storytelling and selling techniques for today's business world.

Your reputation and bottom line are on the line when you fail to see gaps in communication.

People who close contracts are exceptional communicators.

So, here's a scary fact:

Some 90% of the people in my A/E/C training programs have never attended a formal program until we met....

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Want More Clients? Do More of This.

The most important four-letter word in business and life is CARE.

For me, CARE is an acronym.

  • Your Communication is based on what you pay Attention to.
  • Your Attention (focus) determines your Results.
  • Your Results can be Excellent.

How do your prospects, clients, and fellow human beings know you care about them?

Are you focusing on the correct problems your prospects are experiencing? Do you know how to improve your presentations and conversations? 

Notice your communication patterns and habits. It's all about self-awareness.

If you want better results, it's time to CARE in a new way.

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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants