Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




The Instant Way to Connect and Communicate That You Probably Don't Know

Ever feel like you're "talking past" someone?

It's super frustrating.

It's like you're speaking Spanish, and they're speaking French.

Of course, there is confusion and misunderstanding!

Uncertainty runs rampant in A/E/C because most people aren't aware of our three main communication modalities.

It's important to know YOUR preferred style of communicating.

But to grow profits and trust, it's vital to identify other peoples' preferences.

Then, you'll feel more self-assured because you speak the same language. 

There is less stress and fewer mixups. 

How do you get on the same page as your prospects, clients, and colleagues?

We drop subtle clues and cues about our preferred communication method in every interaction.

Knowing how to pick up the clues makes it easy to bridge communication gaps.

You'll confidently resolve conflicts when they arise.

This single transformational skill skyrocketed my business 25 years ago. I use it every...

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In Hot Pursuit of Curiosity

Communication tip for Architects, Engineers, and Construction Professionals: 

When pursuing new business, pursue curiosity at every turn of the project lifecycle.

Curiosity helps beat competitors as it: 

Engages people
Develops deep listening
Guides you to ask better questions (gather the proper intel) 
Improves critical thinking skills
and much more.

Curiosity is a business growth strategy and leadership trait that people can learn. 

Successful A/E/C project managers use it to win shortlisted interviews.

Reach out to discover how this powerful communications and marketing tool transforms your competitive advantage.

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Summer Interns Want Wisdom, Not Busy Work

LinkedIn feeds are brimming with welcome posts and smiling young faces of eager A/E/C summer interns.

Some may become employees at your firm.

How are leaders imparting wisdom and sharing experiences with interns — and staff?

Personal anecdotes and epiphanies aren't in curriculums and rubrics.

They are between your ears and in your heart.

You have invaluable stories and insights. 

The next generation in A/E/C needs and wants to learn from your troubles and triumphs. 

Aspiring talent is watching you. 

Your teams notice how you interact and communicate. 

Are you leading with heart and wisdom?

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How Are You Celebrating Your AEC Accomplishments?

You've seen the gazillion end-of-year lists. #ugh

From popular baby names to celebrity divorces, the media covers it all. 

Have you made your Top 10 List of Achievements in 2023?

I've been doing this for 20+ years, and I love it!

Give yourself permission to celebrate and honor your hard work.

Maybe you helped win a huge bid. Are you working with a mentor or coach? Maybe you earned your PE credential or spoke at a presentation (without feeling totally stressed.) 

Too often, we downplay our efforts and results.

Maybe you're like me and forget what happened in March!

So, in late December, I compile my Top 10 list.

I do one for work and one for my personal life. 

My professional list includes:

 ♦Delivering the opening keynote at a global A/E/C conference.

 ♦Rebranding the company website.

 ♦Helping countless A/E/C folks improve their communication with coaching and training.

Personal highlights include:


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Risky Communication in A/E/C is Costly

Do you know this social abbreviation: IYKYK.

If you know, you know. (My adulting kids recently told me the meaning.) No judgment, please.

So, here's a loaded question for construction executives and principals...

Do you know when each person on your team last had sales or communication training?

This is a critical piece of risk management you probably haven't considered.

Risk management isn't limited to job sites or design reworks.

A/E/C firms lose market share, talent, and trust when teams can't confidently articulate their value. And their brand values.

Forget bid packages for a minute.

They need and want the storytelling and selling techniques for today's business world.

Your reputation and bottom line are on the line when you fail to see gaps in communication.

People who close contracts are exceptional communicators.

So, here's a scary fact:

Some 90% of the people in my A/E/C training programs have never attended a formal program until we met....

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Subject Matter Experts have These Qualities. Do You?

To be seen as a subject matter expert, you must know how to articulate your message.

It's not tricky.

The magic isn't in a bid package.

It's not about your slide deck.

It's not about how long you've been in the A/E/C industry.

You have to feel like a subject matter expert and leader.

You have to be willing to speak up. With Confidence. Charisma. Heart. Stories.

At meetings and conferences. Podcast and media interviews. On videos. At internal gatherings.

Look, you know your "stuff."

If the communication piece is missing, you can't share your knowledge and wisdom. #Fact

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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants