Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




The Instant Way to Connect and Communicate That You Probably Don't Know

Ever feel like you're "talking past" someone?

It's super frustrating.

It's like you're speaking Spanish, and they're speaking French.

Of course, there is confusion and misunderstanding!

Uncertainty runs rampant in A/E/C because most people aren't aware of our three main communication modalities.

It's important to know YOUR preferred style of communicating.

But to grow profits and trust, it's vital to identify other peoples' preferences.

Then, you'll feel more self-assured because you speak the same language. 

There is less stress and fewer mixups. 

How do you get on the same page as your prospects, clients, and colleagues?

We drop subtle clues and cues about our preferred communication method in every interaction.

Knowing how to pick up the clues makes it easy to bridge communication gaps.

You'll confidently resolve conflicts when they arise.

This single transformational skill skyrocketed my business 25 years ago. I use it every...

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How to Become a Confident Public Speaker

There's a rampant fear of public speaking in A/E/C. 

Here's the real cold hard truth about this. 

You say you're afraid or nervous about speaking up. 

But, it's not the talking part that brings anxiety. 

The underlying issue is you don't trust yourself. 

You say you don't feel confident even though you know the material inside and out. 

It's about facing your truth about the deeper issue of self-doubt and trust.

I see it every day with coaching clients and in my group programs. 

A/E/C pros who are willing to commit to becoming better communicators quickly lose their fear of public speaking. 

They actually enjoy engaging with others (and generating business.) 

It's an inside job. 

Transform your negative self-talk first to gain confidence and begin to trust yourself at a deep core level. 

Your self-inflicted fear of public speaking will subside. 

Then, you'll grow connections, opportunities, and profits.

Reach out if you're ready to...

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Improving Productivity and Communication in Meetings

Understanding brain science gives you a competitive advantage in internal meetings and shortlisted interviews.

A/E/C pros are left-brain analytical thinkers who thrive on processes. 

Incorporating right-brain emotional thinking can enhance engagement and simplify tasks.

In a new workshop I delivered for the Society for Marketing Professional Services, SMPS, we covered Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). 

Seasoned leaders discovered how this business and communications methodology can save time and valuable resources.

Also, implementing these strategies can help reduce frustration levels within internal teams.

Unnecessary and unorganized meetings are among the top complaints in our group coaching and training.

Here are five crucial takeaways for improving meetings and communication:

  1. Share the agenda in advance.
  2. Follow your allotted schedule and respect other people's time. A 30-minute meeting that spirals into 90 minutes can be infuriating.
  3. Invite...
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Adding Curiosity to Your Communications Toolbox


We are celebrating A/E/C pros who know how to use curiosity in communication and sales.

I met Sydney Unnerstall recently. She's an emerging leader and marketing coordinator at Vessel Architecture in St. Louis.

After my communications presentation at an SMPS regional conference, Sydney jumped at the chance to transform business conversations by being curious.

"I have started asking more relevant questions and hiding less since I attended Susan's program at the SMPS conference," she said.

"These go hand-in-hand with feeling more confident as I gain experience in meetings and with clients."

You get quality information when you ask quality questions (and listen deeply).

Sydney adds a couple of more quick gems in this 30-second video.

Take a look above.  

And reach out if your emerging leaders want to be more effective communicators. Our "Amplify for Emerging Leaders" online group coaching program is now available. Details are here!

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Simple Communication Brings New AEC Clients


What does the "Easy" button look like for your clients? 

Keeping things simple in a complex, data-driven industry is essential.

It's about being a more effective communicator. I share insights in this 1-minute video.

Take a look. 

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Re-Engineering Your Communication to Win Bid Packages

Processes and procedures. 

A/E/C firms have long been hot on operations. 

What happens, though, when senior leaders teach new hires inefficient methods?

The cost of doing business like this is mind-boggling.

Productivity, morale, lost bids, and the labor shortage, to name a few. 

Senior management must know how to train and onboard new hires in new ways. 

Are you showing people how you scramble to prepare for a short-listed meeting the day before?

Do you confide that you don't know who will be in the room?

Does your team know when to speak and what to share?

Are they sharp and paying close attention to each other and the decision-makers?

I spoke recently at my local SMPS chapter on this topic.

The business development leaders unanimously agree:

They need (and want) to learn new communication and selling strategies, such as:  

  • Storytelling
  • Reading the room
  • Body language
  • Vocal pacing so that your words *land* with...
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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants