Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




Refining Your Communication Just Got Way Easy

Strengthening your communication skills doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming.

In the chaotic world of A/E/C, on-demand learning helps you combat burnout and stress.

That's why we've opened our curated Communication Vault to the public!


Now you can access the timeless tips, processes, and strategies I share in my Amplify programs whenever you need support and tools.

The key to the Communication Vault is here!

 So if you're wanting to:

Enhance your body language in shortlisted meetings

Improve small talk when networking

Be seen as a trusted subject matter expert...

…the Communication Vault has all the tools you need to be engaging and self-assured.

We're always adding fresh content, too: short video clips, webinars, worksheets, and guides to uplevel your communication and boost your confidence.

Check out the Communication Vault here!

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Becoming More Approachable and Confident at A/E/C Meetings

You don't have to say anything at shortlisted interviews and networking events.

Others pick up on your body language and subconsciously decide if you are approachable.

Your nonverbal communication says it all. 

Humans are "people-watchers." 

Research has long shown that we observe more than we listen. 

Prospects and clients make snap decisions in under five seconds about whether to engage with you. 

This underscores the importance of your nonverbal cues.

How do you move and behave?

What is your face "saying" about your confidence and mood?

Are your gestures (even if you're standing alone in a luncheon) inviting and welcoming?

Yes, architecture, engineering, and construction firms hire me to teach staff how to confidently and clearly speak and deliver presentations. 

It's easy to get your words tangled. I get it.

Still, impactful communicators reach beyond their words so they win pursuits. 

They recognize that nonverbal skills are...

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How to Become a Confident Public Speaker

There's a rampant fear of public speaking in A/E/C. 

Here's the real cold hard truth about this. 

You say you're afraid or nervous about speaking up. 

But, it's not the talking part that brings anxiety. 

The underlying issue is you don't trust yourself. 

You say you don't feel confident even though you know the material inside and out. 

It's about facing your truth about the deeper issue of self-doubt and trust.

I see it every day with coaching clients and in my group programs. 

A/E/C pros who are willing to commit to becoming better communicators quickly lose their fear of public speaking. 

They actually enjoy engaging with others (and generating business.) 

It's an inside job. 

Transform your negative self-talk first to gain confidence and begin to trust yourself at a deep core level. 

Your self-inflicted fear of public speaking will subside. 

Then, you'll grow connections, opportunities, and profits.

Reach out if you're ready to...

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3 Things Powerful Presenters Do to Win New Business


Here's the secret sauce to nailing new clients.

Great news: You don't have to know everything and you don't need a script!

Take a look at this two-minute video. 

And reach out if you want your emerging leaders in A/E/C to be more effective communicators.

Our next round of Amplify (online group coaching) starts soon!

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How to Be More Engaging with Easy-to-Understand Data

Communication Tip: In Business Development presentations, help prospects grasp data.

For example, use round numbers.

If your engineering research shows 4.23 lumens, say "just over 4 lumens." 

Of course, you have the exact information. 

Still, people appreciate simplicity so they can easily digest numbers.

Round up or down as necessary so you don't confuse your prospects and audience.

Clarity is a beautiful thing.

Expending mental energy is a distraction. 

Keep their attention and break the specifics down when asked. 

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How to Build Trust Quickly with Prospects

Communication Tip: 

Bypass templates. 

You are the message. 

Work on your communication skills. 

Encourage and mentor your team so they are effective at networking events. 

And shortlisted interviews. 

Give staff the tools they need (and want) to feel comfortable, clear, and confident with decisionmakers.

Humans build trust and relationships.

Not templates. 

Not jargon. 

Real people grow business.

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Introduce Yourself Without Talking About Processes

A/E/C = Processes.

Networking and business growth = People.

Then processes.

First, you metaphorically nudge the door open.

Focus your 30-second elevator pitch on the other person.

Processes take more than 30 seconds and are cumbersome.

Your job in business development and shortlisted meetings is to avoid cumbersome.

Instead, pique people's curiosity. There's no need to be a walking bid package.

Nudge the door open.

Be interesting so they are interested.

When a prospect invites you to a meeting or coffee, ease into the process. But only if asked.

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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants