Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




Project Managers Can Conquer Fears of Shortlisted Presentations

You have a fear of speaking up at presentations or meetings? 

Maybe you’re afraid you stink at networking.

Or maybe you’ve been scaring yourself with imposter syndrome because you don’t have all the answers for clients. 

Read the words on the man’s shirt that I saw this morning. 

Facts Over Fear. 

Fact: All humans are born with 2 innate fears. 

1- The fear of falling.
2- The fear of loud noises. 

Somewhere along life’s journey, you’ve convinced yourself you stink at public speaking, networking, and pursuits.

Blah, blah, blah.

I was there years ago, and I’m not anymore.

Today, I know it’s all learned behavior that you can unlearn to be more successful. 

That’s a fact. 

Is it time to stop scaring yourself and staying stuck? 

Facts Over Fear. 

Reach out if you are ready to stop the negative self talk and step into your potential. 

You decide.

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In Hot Pursuit of Curiosity

Communication tip for Architects, Engineers, and Construction Professionals: 

When pursuing new business, pursue curiosity at every turn of the project lifecycle.

Curiosity helps beat competitors as it: 

Engages people
Develops deep listening
Guides you to ask better questions (gather the proper intel) 
Improves critical thinking skills
and much more.

Curiosity is a business growth strategy and leadership trait that people can learn. 

Successful A/E/C project managers use it to win shortlisted interviews.

Reach out to discover how this powerful communications and marketing tool transforms your competitive advantage.

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A Pursuit Management Tip to Improve Your Decision-Making and Profits

Life, liberty, and pursuit management.

OK, so the US founding fathers said the pursuit of happiness.

For A/E/C purposes, the go/no-go phase of RFIs and proposals is critical to growth and competition. 

It's important to involve project managers and other key individuals in decision-making.

Have you considered inviting quieter staff who may or may not be client-facing? 

Their insights may have significant go/no-go consequences that improve productivity and profits.

The differentiator is within team communication and selecting the best bid opportunities.

Pursuit management must include the pursuit of the right people from your team. 

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Real A/E/C Leaders Aren't Chasing Buy-In

Getting buy-in from senior leadership or younger A/E/C staff isn't a one-off.

Buy-in pales in comparison to trust, loyalty, and honest relationships.

Buy-in feels like you're trying to convince someone or push them over the finish line to close a sale.

People who form deeper relationships and have mutual respect don't use this phrase.

They are the leaders who:


Talk things through

Gather insights

Ask for differing opinions

Appreciate wisdom

Then they make a decision.

Critical thinkers and responsible leaders have higher-level conversations. 

They don't need others to buy into anything.

Forget buy-in.

Instead, take the time to nurture relationships, listen deeply, be respectful, and be attentive.

Yes, you may get pushback. 

Differing opinions needn't be divisive; they are opportunities to learn and evolve.

If you want to improve communication and build consensus, don't consider it "buy-in." 

Instead, be strategic and welcome others' input....

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Elevate C-Suite Communication with These 4 Quick Questions

Hats off to A/E/C execs who admit there are weak spots in how top leaders communicate.

It's easy to look at younger staff and generational differences.

The C-suite litmus test for effective leadership is to assess your peers and colleagues. 

The upper echelons of your org chart are no different than the rank and file.

You know, the person who shows 20 pictures of his kids in a meeting.

Or the executive who misses subtle clues that others aren't paying attention.

Maybe your highly proficient peers are talking over decision-makers in meetings.

Think about top managers, directors, principals, and yourself. 

Do you know today's strategies around building trust, consensus, and influence?

They must have new tools for conflict resolution and concise agendas in meetings.

Can you share a mesmerizing story? 

Are you overdue for a communications refresher and new skills?


Why not?

Why not this?

Why not now?

Professional development...

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Competitors Have Solutions to Your AEC Communication Woes

Pulling together resources from different A/E/C offices and people was the theme of a CEO Roundtable I led yesterday. 

Each of the six attendees came in cold.

They didn't know who else was participating. Several are competitors.

They warmed up quickly.

I facilitated the free communication session for one reason.

There are pressing communication and leadership issues impacting the entire industry.

Leaders opened their hearts and minds to their peers about:

  • Mentoring staff AND getting work done
  • Attracting and retaining younger talent for the firms' future
  • Communicating effectively to build a positive culture
  • Teaching tech staff engaging ways to share processes in interviews

Each person brought a single question or challenge to pose to the group.

And each one was eager to be a resource. 

Creative solutions, success tips, and outside support brought fulfillment, individually and collectively.

Today, I celebrate these fearless architects,...

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How Your Teams' Communication Impacts Profits

School construction is a huge revenue source for many of my A/E/C clients.

You don't have to design and build schools to know the value of learning.

Taking time to develop new skills to grow your firm is a no-brainer.

Consider networking, for example.

Many of my coaching clients tell me they go to industry events without an intention or introduction.

They say they stink at small talk.

You can guess what happens next.

They return to the office feeling unproductive and overwhelmed.

You could have, would have, or should have been working on a bid package. Maybe you could have finalized new sub schedules.

The networking was a bust, even though your ideal clients were there.

Lost revenue and opportunities hurt.

I coach and teach strategic networking.

Project managers, supervisors, estimators, and others I coach are fortunate that principals know communication directly impacts profits.

The beauty is that the same people skills apply to BD presentations.

Here's the...

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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants