Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




The Communication Secret to Getting Buy-In From Prospects


Who cares?

That's the question you must ask yourself when preparing RFPs and A/E/C presentations.

The only way to develop trust and get buy-in from decision-makers is to be relevant.

To them!

I share my tried and true method in the 90-second clip above.

If you like this clip and want the skillset that brings buy-in and winning pursuits, check out our new online training, Top Tier Communicator. In just 3 days, you or the team you manage will have today's communication and confidence for an outstanding 2025! We start Nov. 12th! 



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How to Overcome Self-Doubt When You Don't Have All the Answers


If you''ve been in a shortlisted interview and don't have the answer to a question, don't beat yourself up. 

Watch the 1-minute video above and quit the negative self-talk so you can truly shine!

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In Hot Pursuit of Curiosity

Communication tip for Architects, Engineers, and Construction Professionals: 

When pursuing new business, pursue curiosity at every turn of the project lifecycle.

Curiosity helps beat competitors as it: 

Engages people
Develops deep listening
Guides you to ask better questions (gather the proper intel) 
Improves critical thinking skills
and much more.

Curiosity is a business growth strategy and leadership trait that people can learn. 

Successful A/E/C project managers use it to win shortlisted interviews.

Reach out to discover how this powerful communications and marketing tool transforms your competitive advantage.

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A Pursuit Management Tip to Improve Your Decision-Making and Profits

Life, liberty, and pursuit management.

OK, so the US founding fathers said the pursuit of happiness.

For A/E/C purposes, the go/no-go phase of RFIs and proposals is critical to growth and competition. 

It's important to involve project managers and other key individuals in decision-making.

Have you considered inviting quieter staff who may or may not be client-facing? 

Their insights may have significant go/no-go consequences that improve productivity and profits.

The differentiator is within team communication and selecting the best bid opportunities.

Pursuit management must include the pursuit of the right people from your team. 

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The Human Factor in A/E/C Communication is Timeless

It’s just a fad. 

That’s what people and business analysts said 20 years ago when social media started to take off. 

None of us has a crystal ball around how we’ll interact, connect, and communicate in the next 20 years. 

That’s why it’s so freakin’ important NOT to leave behind the timeless forms of human-to-human communication:

-Being curious 

-Giving others the gift of your attention 

-Asking meaningful questions and genuinely listening 

-Using stories to connect emotionally with people 

-Developing charisma so others feel comfortable around you

It’s impossible to replace these five qualities with technology. They certainly aren’t fads

It is absolutely possible to learn these skills and live a more fulfilling life—at work and home. 

Reach out if you want to finetune your communication, leadership, and business relationships. 

A/E/C teams that want to help grow firms and their careers need...

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Perfectly Imperfect Communication Wins More AEC Projects

Perfect people are not welcome.

That was the sign in front of a church I saw this week.

You may be one of the AEC pros who feel pressure to be the perfect communicator.

  • In seller-doer meetings.
  • In presentations.
  • On Zoom calls.
  • In networking events  online or in-person.

Here's a News Flash: Take the pressure off of yourself! 

No one wants to do business with a "perfect" person. 

You know, someone who appears to be flawless on the outside. 

Everyone has something they are dealing with or navigating.

Prospects and clients want real people. 

The ones who stumble on a few words and keep going. 

The perfectly imperfect win bids and respect. 

The kind of people who bend but don't break.

I don't teach flawless communication. 

I show you how to be a perfectly imperfect, heartfelt subject matter expert. 

To share your perfectly imperfect story. 

To be yourself.

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Being Curious Sparks Interest + Business

Friday Communication Tip: 

Focus on prospects and clients. 

There's no need to brag or talk about yourself. Be interested in others. 

Ask good questions and listen deeply.

Stay curious and watch your career and business grow! 

“The more you try to be interested in other people, the more you find out about yourself.”-  Thea Astley

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When AEC Goes 'All In' on Communication, This Happens

"I've grown from it and want to keep going."

This is what a group coaching client, Phyllis, told me today. 

I've watched her go all in these past three months of Amplify, my online coaching program. 

It's where A/E/C pros uplevel their communication, confidence, and sales. 

Still, the way to grow and get your desired results is to be eager to learn. 

Honoring commitments was also discussed in our coaching session. 

People showed up to Amplify in different ways. 

They participated on different levels.

So they dug into the content and enjoyed the wisdom and techniques they hadn't heard before.

They appreciated my no-nonsense approach to building human connections. 

Like so many in A/E/C, students wanted to:

  • Become more clear and confident in business development meetings.
  • Overcome limiting beliefs around public speaking and communication.
  • Learn high-level brain science so that selling is...
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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants