Communication NewsFlash:
The only tool your architects and engineers need is their voice.
The Best News: They are readily equipped.
Right here and right now.
Most just need some guidance to fine-tune their words, messages, and confidence.
Your A/E/C teams are capable of learning how to use their voices to grow careers and profits.
Help them...then, stand back!!
Browse our training programs now (online and in-person) and let's do it!
Are your teeth visible in your profile pictures online?
This is not a trick question, it's quite important in how people perceive you. And how you communicate.
I share a tip on why...or why should show your teeth in pictures. Especially in professional headshots and branded pix.
Click the 3-minute video above for the details.
Plus...I've included something fun for you about why body language is critical in our communication.
Are you smiling with your teeth showing in your pictures? Comment below!
Building rapport with others—whether it’s in person or online—takes practice. Much of it is intuitive.
Rapport is about creating a bond, link, connection, and understanding.
The goal is to connect and engage people so that they are thinking, feeling, reacting, and involved.
Humans crave connection and want to be understood.
Rapport building is an art and skill in communication that’s used daily in all our relationships.
Here are 10 tips to connect and build rapport with others:
Act approachable. When mingling face-to-face, be aware of how you move and behave. Notice how confident and easy-going folks network. Use body language and gestures that are inviting. When you’re online, have a welcoming and intriguing profile or video. Smile in your profile picture; it matters!
Ask good questions. People love to talk about themselves so develop your listening skills and curiosity. Learn how to ask powerful questions and...
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