Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




How Many Questions Do You Ask in Shortlisted Meetings?

You don't have to ask more questions to close more A/E/C projects.

You have to ask better questions.

How you gather information during a presentation will differentiate your firm in shortlist interviews.

Oh, and don't forget to listen to the responses.

Quality questions bring quality information.

They also result in higher-level conversations and trust.

And more clients.

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3 Easy Body Language Tips to Sharpen Your Communication


Are your teeth visible in your profile pictures online? 

This is not a trick question, it's quite important in how people perceive you. And how you communicate.

I share a tip on why...or why should show your teeth in pictures. Especially in professional headshots and branded pix. 

Click the 3-minute video above for the details. 

Plus...I've included something fun for you about why body language is critical in our communication.

Are you smiling with your teeth showing in your pictures? Comment below!

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My Client Was Full of It, and You Probably Are, Too

Humans are born with only 2 fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises.

Science proves it.

Everything else you’re afraid of was learned, most likely in your childhood (0-7 years old)

And we carry these fears—and the stories behind them—with us…for years.

• You talk about being afraid of heights.

• You talk about being afraid of dogs, spiders, or snakes.

• You talk about your fear of public speaking. Then, you give momentum to your (learned) story by talking about the presentation you messed up…in 2012.

Our words create our worlds.

And they usually keep us from growing ourselves and our businesses.

So, what are you afraid of, aside from maybe falling and loud noises?

My client, Don, was reflecting with me about how transformative this fear lesson has been for him.

Don’s a super smart techie.

He was studying computer languages long before the rest of us found the Internet.

His programs have been used by the Pentagon and...

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10 Ways to Build Rapport So You Have Deeper Relationships at Work

Building rapport with others—whether it’s in person or online—takes practice. Much of it is intuitive. 

Rapport is about creating a bond, link, connection, and understanding. 

The goal is to connect and engage people so that they are thinking, feeling, reacting, and involved.

Humans crave connection and want to be understood.  

Rapport building is an art and skill in communication that’s used daily in all our relationships.

Here are 10 tips to connect and build rapport with others: 

  1. Act approachable. When mingling face-to-face, be aware of how you move and behave. Notice how confident and easy-going folks network. Use body language and gestures that are inviting. When you’re online, have a welcoming and intriguing profile or video. Smile in your profile picture; it matters! 

  2. Ask good questions. People love to talk about themselves so develop your listening skills and curiosity. Learn how to ask powerful questions and...

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Still Unsure About Your Messaging?

I keep hearing people talking about their coaches—business, marketing, Mastermind groups, sales…on and on. “I’m working on my online presence and SEO…” and “I’ve got accountability partners in my sales coaching…” and “I’m in a high-level group with ---"  

If you’ve been working with coaches either privately or in groups, I wanna let you in on a little secret.  


Actually, it's not a little secret- it's a HUGE secret that will make ALL the difference when it comes to your ability to get amazing, like-minded ideal clients excited to invest with you.

The secret is: You don’t need more Instagram posts or lead gen to grow your business and live your dream life. YOU are the message and you're likely repelling prospects and it has nothing to do with your posts OR the quality...

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Avoid this Business Card Goof

Business cards aren’t going out of style anytime soon, but there is one serious misuse of these calling cards that I want to share with you.

I recently went to a networking event with about 300 people. A client had invited me and then got stuck downtown at jury duty. With the delay—and rush hour traffic—she didn’t make it. Did I run back to my car and say, “Oh well…” No.

Even though I didn’t know anyone, I stayed,  mingled and watched.

And I remembered a lesson from many years ago about business cards: Don’t give anyone your card unless they ask for it.


It’s a waste of our collective time –and paper. I’ll bet most business cards given without being requested land in a:

  • Car
  • Desk drawer
  • Purse
  • Jacket pocket—and then the garbage

When we take a few minutes to connect human-to-human with a meaningful conversation and rapport, we can then decide to hand over a card. Not everyone will be a good fit...

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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants