Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




Being Curious Sparks Interest + Business

Friday Communication Tip: 

Focus on prospects and clients. 

There's no need to brag or talk about yourself. Be interested in others. 

Ask good questions and listen deeply.

Stay curious and watch your career and business grow! 

“The more you try to be interested in other people, the more you find out about yourself.”-  Thea Astley

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Creating Your A/E/C Succession Plan with Captain Obvious

From our file marked: Watch the Gap. 

C-suite executives in A/E/C know the value of intellectual property. 

A generation of top execs worry about passing the torch when they retire. 

It's overwhelming to think about gathering data on culture, history, finances, values, and projects. 

All are critical to succession planning.

But few, if any, talk about the colossal gap.  

Set aside data and bid packages for a sec. (Don't twitch )

What will the knowledge transfer look like without dizzying pie charts and spreadsheets?  

AEC succession planning and business communication are markedly different post-COVID.

Our next generation of leaders expects emotional connections as well as data.  

Intellectual property = storytelling. And wisdom. 

If succession planning is on your mind as 2023 winds down, be sure you know how to transfer your knowledge through stories:

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How Many Questions Do You Ask in Shortlisted Meetings?

You don't have to ask more questions to close more A/E/C projects.

You have to ask better questions.

How you gather information during a presentation will differentiate your firm in shortlist interviews.

Oh, and don't forget to listen to the responses.

Quality questions bring quality information.

They also result in higher-level conversations and trust.

And more clients.

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It's Curiosity that Converts Prospects

We create content.

We build funnels.

We set up systems.

We write marketing and business plans.

But do you know how to create curiosity and become known?

Curiosity is a soft skill that most people miss.

Exceptional communicators and sales pros don’t focus on stuffy scripts.

No one needs more jargon.

We crave intrigue and desire.

Gary Vaynerchuk agrees.  

When you post something that grabs (and keeps) someone's attention, you've intrigued them.

They want to know more.

You get them:

Thinking (not confused)




Curiosity moves conversations forward.

You planted the seed.

They look at your website or Insta profile.

Maybe they subscribe to your newsletter.

You get points if they share your post.

You create a buzz around you and your brand.

This happens when you make people curious.

It rarely happens when you ask "open-ended questions” and grovel hoping you'll close a prospect.

For f**k's sake.

I approach every conversation—sales or...

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7 Scary AF Communication Habits — and Sweet Solutions

You know what "THEY" say?

Everything is bigger in Texas.

It's especially true of Halloween. People here go bat-s**t crazy on this festive day.

So here are 7 frightening communication habits.   

 Use this self-assessment to clean up your communication.  

  1. You refuse to receive. Someone offers a compliment on your clothing. You deflect and show them the button missing on your sleeve. Solution: Shut up, smile, and say thank you.‍ 
  1. You listen to ghastly people. Well-intentioned family, friends, and even strangers can scare the beJesus out of you. Let's believe most mean well. Still, they could be clueless about your journey, intentions, whatever. Solution: Don’t drink the Kool-Aid. Shut up, smile, and tune them out. Then run away. Fast.‍ 
  1. You overshare. When the doorbell rings on Halloween, do you offer the kiddos every morsel of food in your pantry? No. You give them what you think they need, want, or may enjoy. Otherwise, their...
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10 Ways to Build Rapport So You Have Deeper Relationships at Work

Building rapport with others—whether it’s in person or online—takes practice. Much of it is intuitive. 

Rapport is about creating a bond, link, connection, and understanding. 

The goal is to connect and engage people so that they are thinking, feeling, reacting, and involved.

Humans crave connection and want to be understood.  

Rapport building is an art and skill in communication that’s used daily in all our relationships.

Here are 10 tips to connect and build rapport with others: 

  1. Act approachable. When mingling face-to-face, be aware of how you move and behave. Notice how confident and easy-going folks network. Use body language and gestures that are inviting. When you’re online, have a welcoming and intriguing profile or video. Smile in your profile picture; it matters! 

  2. Ask good questions. People love to talk about themselves so develop your listening skills and curiosity. Learn how to ask powerful questions and...

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Getting Prospects to Believe You

I talk A LOT about how to introduce yourself so you are seen and heard --and grow your business.  

I am obsessed with my work not because people walk away with a concise introduction. 

Something is hiding deep beneath the words. And it has become my mission.  

It’s the real reason I do what I do. It has taken me a lifetime—59 years and torrents of tearsto understand my fixation on other people's stories.

It began when I was four years old. I didn't speak.

My parents thought I was deaf, but the doctor told them I was fine.

He said I didn't talk because I communicated in a way that didn't require words. When I was hungry, I’d bang on the refrigerator.

No words or voice were necessary.  

So, what does a little girl who did not speak until age 4 do with her life? 

I went to college and majored in mass communications. Go figure. 

I quickly found the campus radio station, a place filled with microphones and speakers...

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How Clients Use My Story Strategies to Shine in Media Interviews — and Sales Calls


My coaching client, attorney and DEI advocate Diana Patton, beautifully used the ‘bridge and guide’ technique I teach for messaging and introductions.

She seized the opportunity to self-promote during a recent morning TV interview.

The original topic for Diana’s segment was health and wellness.

So, how was Diana able to blend and weave in her angle about the advocacy and diversity work she does?

It’s all about paying deep attention in media interviews...and sales conversations.

I teach you how to listen closely and think on your feet so that you know precisely where and how to weave in your sound bites, control your message, and self-promote with confidence.

Conversations will flow naturally and easily while you stay on point.

Take a look.

And if you want to talk strategy around your story and how to share it with dream clients, apply now for a free Story Power Session.

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Nobody’s Talking at the Airport—and That’s a Problem

I flew from Texas to New Jersey a few days ago.
I saw really long, beautiful lines at the airports.
Lines to check bags.
Lines to get through security.
Lines to buy food.
Certainly, a lovely sight as we emerge from the Pandemic.
Still, one thing really frightened me.
Even with the big crowds, the noise levels were incredibly low.
There wasn’t much chatter.
Or small talk.
Everyone was keeping to themselves.
Everyone was plugged into technology with earbuds that kept them closed off from the real-life experience of being out with other human beings.
And it’s not just at the airport.
It’s everywhere…the store, restaurants, the gym.
Our faces are in our phones.
Our brains are distracted and somewhere else.
Our earbuds turn us inward and keep us stuck in our own heads. In...
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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants