Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




It's Curiosity that Converts Prospects

We create content.

We build funnels.

We set up systems.

We write marketing and business plans.

But do you know how to create curiosity and become known?

Curiosity is a soft skill that most people miss.

Exceptional communicators and sales pros don’t focus on stuffy scripts.

No one needs more jargon.

We crave intrigue and desire.

Gary Vaynerchuk agrees.  

When you post something that grabs (and keeps) someone's attention, you've intrigued them.

They want to know more.

You get them:

Thinking (not confused)




Curiosity moves conversations forward.

You planted the seed.

They look at your website or Insta profile.

Maybe they subscribe to your newsletter.

You get points if they share your post.

You create a buzz around you and your brand.

This happens when you make people curious.

It rarely happens when you ask "open-ended questions” and grovel hoping you'll close a prospect.

For f**k's sake.

I approach every conversation—sales or...

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Too Many Businesses Are Missing Media Interviews Because of This

If you think your inbox is overflowing with junk messages and stuff you don’t care about, what if it were 100x worse? 

This is what reporters are trying to manage.

Every. single. day.

Plus, their jobs are all about tight deadlines, breaking news, crabby bosses, and low pay. 

It's nothing new.

Before technology, reporters were drained by irrelevant faxes and phone calls.

Pointless pitches that aren't clearly valuable to their audiences.

Maybe you're wondering why you get crickets when emailing a 3-page self-serving story idea about your book???

You know, the one with 6 attachments, 27 links, and 14 questions.

Reporters need to see something interesting that jumps off the screen.

So how do you grab the attention (and trust) of the media so that you land a coveted interview?


When you know why your story is relevant to a reporter and their audience, there's a shift. 

You have to know what...

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7 Scary AF Communication Habits — and Sweet Solutions

You know what "THEY" say?

Everything is bigger in Texas.

It's especially true of Halloween. People here go bat-s**t crazy on this festive day.

So here are 7 frightening communication habits.   

 Use this self-assessment to clean up your communication.  

  1. You refuse to receive. Someone offers a compliment on your clothing. You deflect and show them the button missing on your sleeve. Solution: Shut up, smile, and say thank you.‍ 
  1. You listen to ghastly people. Well-intentioned family, friends, and even strangers can scare the beJesus out of you. Let's believe most mean well. Still, they could be clueless about your journey, intentions, whatever. Solution: Don’t drink the Kool-Aid. Shut up, smile, and tune them out. Then run away. Fast.‍ 
  1. You overshare. When the doorbell rings on Halloween, do you offer the kiddos every morsel of food in your pantry? No. You give them what you think they need, want, or may enjoy. Otherwise, their...
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The #1 Issue that Keeps Slowing Your Business Growth

I want to get in front of people who can hire me; I want to grow my business! 

That’s what I’ve been hearing these past few weeks on social media and from my own client calls. 

Look, social media gives each of us access to the masses.

So, it’s not hard to get in front of people—even the right people who are your dream clients. 

Still, there’s a challenge that most entrepreneurs and coaches don’t recognize.

It’s this: What do you SAY when you get in front of your peeps?

If you’re like most of my clients, when we first start working together, they say the same thing.

You’re not alone…

  • Maria thought her problem was only having a few small clients (and struggling to make money). Then she realized she needed the confidence to talk about herself in a big, bold way.
  • Chris thought he wasn’t closing enough sales. Then he realized he didn’t feel worthy enough to speak up. 
  • Heidi knew she...
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Your Most Valuable Piece of Content Isn't What You Think

If this wacky Pandemic has revealed one thing about entrepreneurs, it’s this:

Most people don’t feel comfortable talking about themselves online. 


Even those with exceptional talents and experience. 

They shrink back from sharing their stories. 

They say too much…or the wrong prospects click somewhere else.

They “kind of” think they have a story that’s worthy of sharing.

Still, deep down inside they’ve convinced themselves otherwise. 

These are the common themes I’ve been seeing and hearing online and with clients since last March when the health crisis hit. 

It’s especially rampant on Clubhouse.

People are messaging me about their deep fears around what to say when introducing themselves and how to say it. 

Then I get the follow-up DM:

  • I need...
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How to Supercharge Engagement on Instagram

User-Generated Content, or UGC, is a fun and interactive way to gain visibility and engagement online.  

Savvy marketers include UGC as part of their online strategy.

It's super-effective on Instagram when you...

  • Need fresh content 
  • Want more engagement and comments on posts 
  • Target younger audiences

User-generated content is also fun.

UGC invites subscribers and followers to send in pictures (or enter a contest) based on a theme or "news of the day."

It's a strategy that's long been used in television news. These days, foodies, clothing brands, sports and other visual brands are tapping UGC, too.  

Here's an easy example: There's a snowstorm and a TV news anchor encourages viewers to send in their cutest snow picture of their pets.

The station selects "winners" and showcases them with the owner's name or social media handle. The "winners" — the public — create an organic buzz by raving on social media (word-of-mouth marketing) how Fluffy...

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5 Common Rookie Mistakes to Avoid When Looking for More Clients

"Just show up, share some value and post consistently." 

Entrepreneurs and coaches who want to be seen and heard must know how to show up.  Because showing up with valuable content brings credibility and clients. 

Your content is your ticket to business growth. 

But what does showing up as your true self (ok, the dreaded word "authentic") really mean???

How do you...

Comment on an active thread in a way that's not salesy or pushy? 

Figure out what people want from you? 

Avoid embarrassing yourself in front of everyone on the Internet?? 

You can't be seen as a credible go-to expert in your niche if you're always questioning your self-worth and value.  

If you want more clients, you've got to share your message online with pride. The business will follow.   

Your message = money

Publicity = profits  

Showing up in groups, chats and podcasts means you have deep-rooted confidence and belief in yourself.


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How to Be Visible in a Noisy Content World

I’m a middle child, and, over the years, people have asked me how I managed to get noticed. After all, my older sister was the (almost) perfect “Marcia Brady,” and my younger sister was “the baby” who could do no wrong.

The real lessons, however, on how to stand out, came from my extended family, sprinkled across New Jersey and New York.


I didn’t truly understand how “different” we were until I had children of my own. My “kids”—now 25 and 23—asked me questions when they were younger that most parents DON’T hear:

  • Is our family loud?
  • How did everyone get to be so funny?
  • How do you come up with these 1-liners?
  • Is it OK that I’m nervous to talk 'cause I’m not really funny?
  • How do I get to be in the spotlight when there are 40 people around the table?

I’ve been incredibly...

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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants