Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




Showing Up Big or Shrinking Back? Read This to Figure It Out

Showing up.

Are you full-on in or farting around? 

Showing up in a big, bold way every single day may sound demanding.

It's certainly not for the mediocre. 

Leaders and entrepreneurs who show up big rarely flinch at doing the work. They have a continuous improvement plan for their professional and personal growth.

It reaps big rewards.  

Showing up big and adding value every step of the way isn't about being a blustery blowhard.

Successful leaders have humility.

They don't need to be the center of attention to have a presence.

Their simplicity and modesty are enough.   

When we commit to excellence, we can bring immeasurable value to others.

Businesses grow. People develop. Things get done with ease. 

Here are 3 ways to add value to your work, clients, and life:  

1. Anticipate; don’t react. Adding value to client relationships is obsolete. You've gotta consistently add IMMENSE value. This means you study,...

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Everything You Need to Consistently Get New Clients is Right Between Your...

Everything you need to blow the doors off your business right now is… between your… ears. 

You’ve done the hard work with school, training, and learning new skills.

So, WTF? ‍Why aren't your dream clients coming?

You've gotta get in front of them.

Showing up in a bigger bolder way and stepping into the spotlight may not be for everyone.

But it IS for people who want to share their gifts and story to make a bigger impact.  

Plenty of entrepreneurs, coaches, and business leaders are scrambling for new clients. I know it's hard to get noticed in our noisy online world.

But posting awkward dance videos and scrolling for hours can be an energy drain.  

I’ve been getting organic leads and clients for years. You may want to consider my process. It sure beats paid ads that rarely convert. 

I share my knowledge and story with captive audiences at conferences and meetings. You can, too. 

The audience wants to learn from...

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Sidestep Algorithms and Ads to Get in Front of Your Ideal Clients


No clue about algorithms.

No money for ads.

No problem!

You can STILL grow your business and always have warm leads when you learn the strategy I've been using for 20+ years. 

My clients, including Maria Swann, use this strategy. Maria now has wait lists--and higher rates! You can, too.

I explain it in the video above. Check it out! 

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Your Big Wins Don't Matter; This Is the Story Prospects Really Want to Hear

There’s long been hype about thinking big and dreaming big.

You know the adage, shoot for the moon. If you miss, you’ll hit the stars.

That’s lovely and inspiring.

But, it doesn't work for entrepreneurs who want more visibility and clients.

Here’s why.

People don't care much about the “big” events in our lives.

The graduations, certifications, weddings, or other "moon and stars" milestones.

Formal events tend to feel staged and predictable.

They're boring.

Same for our introductions, stories, and "About Me" pages.

If they are filled with milestones, people lose interest.

Look, prospects will get to your qualifications.

First, though, you've gotta show up real and relatable.

Like a human being who is easy to connect with.

That's why successful speakers and entrepreneurs pay close attention to ordinary (smaller) moments.

The gold in your story is the seemingly mundane smaller things in life that have deeply affected you.

Ordinary moments often morph...

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The Thing that Scares the Crap Out of Entrepreneurs

Celebrating my private coaching client Teri and her 3 new clients!  

I have SO much respect for Teri because she was open to seeing things from a fresh perspective.

In our first conversation, Teri admitted she needed clients for her new consulting practice. Still she was worried about spending the money to work together.  

You see, being a bold entrepreneur scared the crapola out of Teri. But instead of doing nothing and staying scared, she jumped in anyway.   

And within a few weeks of getting clarity around her message and online presence, Teri landed 3 new clients for her consulting business!! 

How did the shift happen?

Teri moved from limiting beliefs to bold when I said: Trust yourself. The Universe respects bold. 

I KNOW this is true because I experience it as well. It can be scary to make sizable investments in ourselves and our businesses.  

A few months ago, I was a wreck. I was deciding whether to invest $30k in a year-long...

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How Our Internal Stories Slow Sales

I am LOVING my amazing client who brought in more money in Q4 of 2021 than all 3 previous quarters combined! 

Yep, John Woods beat a big competitor in the employee health benefits field.

The contract was worth $61,000.

 Here's the kicker: John had his best year—during the Pandemic! (Most of my other clients have as well )

 How did this banner year happen when John's marketing was inconsistent and paid ads didn't convert?  

 John says the results **finally** showed up…WHEN HE SHOWED UP, for himself. He made a commitment to private coaching with me. 

 And I immediately nailed John's real issue.

 It had ZILCH to do with marketing. 

 John had to clear out the blocks around his internal story and self-worth.

 John had never heard this from other coaches or consultants. 

He had to love his story --and himself--so decision-makers could appreciate his value and approach--and hire him. 

  Bottom line: If...

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The #1 Issue that Keeps Slowing Your Business Growth

I want to get in front of people who can hire me; I want to grow my business! 

That’s what I’ve been hearing these past few weeks on social media and from my own client calls. 

Look, social media gives each of us access to the masses.

So, it’s not hard to get in front of people—even the right people who are your dream clients. 

Still, there’s a challenge that most entrepreneurs and coaches don’t recognize.

It’s this: What do you SAY when you get in front of your peeps?

If you’re like most of my clients, when we first start working together, they say the same thing.

You’re not alone…

  • Maria thought her problem was only having a few small clients (and struggling to make money). Then she realized she needed the confidence to talk about herself in a big, bold way.
  • Chris thought he wasn’t closing enough sales. Then he realized he didn’t feel worthy enough to speak up. 
  • Heidi knew she...
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You Don't Need a Good Sales Pitch to Land Big Clients. You Just Need This.

Celebrating my INCREDIBLE client John Woods who is adding $250,000 in new business over the next 12 months (a 400% ROI) during the Pandemic while using my Story Funnel System!

And that’s only for part of his business!


John and I met when I was the keynote speaker at a Mastermind coaching program he was in.

Even though my presentation was online, John and I were able to connect quickly.

Yes, he was already enrolled in a high-level and high-priced business coaching program.

Still, something was missing around his message and mindset that kept him from reaching his true potential as an entrepreneur.

When the virus hit 18 months ago, John knew it was finally time to clean up his messaging and communication so he could speak confidently with corporate CFOs and close more clients.

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Nobody’s Talking at the Airport—and That’s a Problem

I flew from Texas to New Jersey a few days ago.
I saw really long, beautiful lines at the airports.
Lines to check bags.
Lines to get through security.
Lines to buy food.
Certainly, a lovely sight as we emerge from the Pandemic.
Still, one thing really frightened me.
Even with the big crowds, the noise levels were incredibly low.
There wasn’t much chatter.
Or small talk.
Everyone was keeping to themselves.
Everyone was plugged into technology with earbuds that kept them closed off from the real-life experience of being out with other human beings.
And it’s not just at the airport.
It’s everywhere…the store, restaurants, the gym.
Our faces are in our phones.
Our brains are distracted and somewhere else.
Our earbuds turn us inward and keep us stuck in our own heads. In...
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Your Most Valuable Piece of Content Isn't What You Think

If this wacky Pandemic has revealed one thing about entrepreneurs, it’s this:

Most people don’t feel comfortable talking about themselves online. 


Even those with exceptional talents and experience. 

They shrink back from sharing their stories. 

They say too much…or the wrong prospects click somewhere else.

They “kind of” think they have a story that’s worthy of sharing.

Still, deep down inside they’ve convinced themselves otherwise. 

These are the common themes I’ve been seeing and hearing online and with clients since last March when the health crisis hit. 

It’s especially rampant on Clubhouse.

People are messaging me about their deep fears around what to say when introducing themselves and how to say it. 

Then I get the follow-up DM:

  • I need...
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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants