How Our Internal Stories Slow Sales

I am LOVING my amazing client who brought in more money in Q4 of 2021 than all 3 previous quarters combined! 

Yep, John Woods beat a big competitor in the employee health benefits field.

The contract was worth $61,000.

 Here's the kicker: John had his best year—during the Pandemic! (Most of my other clients have as well πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)

 How did this banner year happen when John's marketing was inconsistent and paid ads didn't convert?  

 John says the results **finally** showed up…WHEN HE SHOWED UP, for himself. He made a commitment to private coaching with me. 

 And I immediately nailed John's real issue.

 It had ZILCH to do with marketing. 

 John had to clear out the blocks around his internal story and self-worth.

 John had never heard this from other coaches or consultants. 

He had to love his story --and himself--so decision-makers could appreciate his value and approach--and hire him. 

 πŸ“’ Bottom line: If you don't love your story and believe in yourself, no one else will.

 Like John, you have to believe in yourself first. I know this because it’s the story of my life.

 John and I...and so many other humans...had to turn the page. OK, I burned the dang book. πŸ™

And I LOVE teaching driven entrepreneurs how to re-write their internal stories.

 It beats listening to the sad loop of self-doubt.  

 This is the exact foundation of the 🎯5-step Story Funnel System🎯 that I taught John. 

 After John's private coaching, he jumped into a group program. 

 Yes, John invested $12,000 to learn my Story Funnel System. And he's the first to say he was showing up half-heartedly. 

 Look, John had heard that my system gets proven results (for 21 years!) with a huge ROI. And he scrolled the testimonials, many of which came from his own industry. 

 β–ΆJohn's transformation came when he realized he was the only one holding himself back.

 And he had to shift his mindset and way of doing business to get the results he desired. He needed a new, more empowering story.

To me, there's freedom in honoring your expertise and journey. It's refreshing energy and others pick up on it. They'll want to work with you. 

 John began to trust our new way of communicating and selling. And he began to believe in himself so he could get unstuck. 

 Today, John shows up strong and clear.

 πŸ’–He maximizes his voice in a friendly, curious way with quiet confidence. πŸ’–

 No more awkward conversations or getting ghosted by prospects. 

 John LOVES my high-level story approach to sales and communication. He easily closes more contracts and is impacting more people. 

 And he's not frantic about money anymore! πŸ’²πŸ’²

 John and other clients who learn the Story Funnel System..

  •   Raise their rates, fill more online programs—and become the leader in their niche


  •  Land 3 qualified leads on the spot at a networking event


  • Attract dream clients for paid speaking engagements

 If you’re an experienced entrepreneur who wants to grow your confidence and impact, I am accepting two new private coaching clients who want to learn the Story Funnel System.

Apply for a free Story Power Strategy Session here. 

We'll talk. 😍



Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants