Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




The Christmas Story You May Not Know

There's nothing better than a heartwarming holiday story.

Here's one you may not have heard before.

It's from Jackie Gleason.

He portrayed Brooklyn bus driver Ralph Kramden on the 1950s TV show, "The Honeymooners." It's always been one of my favorite shows and holiday stories...

"You know something, sweetheart? Christmas is… well, it’s about the best time of the whole year.

When you walk down the streets, even for weeks before Christmas comes, and there’s lights hanging up, green ones and red ones, sometimes there’s snow and everyone’s hustling some place.

But they don’t hustle around Christmastime like they usually do.

You know, they’re a little more friendlier… they bump into you, they laugh and they say, “Pardon me. Merry Christmas”… especially when it gets real close to Christmas night.

Everybody’s walking home, you can hardly hear a sound. Bells are ringin’, kids are singing, the snow is...

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Too Many Businesses Are Missing Media Interviews Because of This

If you think your inbox is overflowing with junk messages and stuff you don’t care about, what if it were 100x worse? 

This is what reporters are trying to manage.

Every. single. day.

Plus, their jobs are all about tight deadlines, breaking news, crabby bosses, and low pay. 

It's nothing new.

Before technology, reporters were drained by irrelevant faxes and phone calls.

Pointless pitches that aren't clearly valuable to their audiences.

Maybe you're wondering why you get crickets when emailing a 3-page self-serving story idea about your book???

You know, the one with 6 attachments, 27 links, and 14 questions.

Reporters need to see something interesting that jumps off the screen.

So how do you grab the attention (and trust) of the media so that you land a coveted interview?


When you know why your story is relevant to a reporter and their audience, there's a shift. 

You have to know what...

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Everything You Need to Consistently Get New Clients is Right Between Your...

Everything you need to blow the doors off your business right now is… between your… ears. 

You’ve done the hard work with school, training, and learning new skills.

So, WTF? ‍Why aren't your dream clients coming?

You've gotta get in front of them.

Showing up in a bigger bolder way and stepping into the spotlight may not be for everyone.

But it IS for people who want to share their gifts and story to make a bigger impact.  

Plenty of entrepreneurs, coaches, and business leaders are scrambling for new clients. I know it's hard to get noticed in our noisy online world.

But posting awkward dance videos and scrolling for hours can be an energy drain.  

I’ve been getting organic leads and clients for years. You may want to consider my process. It sure beats paid ads that rarely convert. 

I share my knowledge and story with captive audiences at conferences and meetings. You can, too. 

The audience wants to learn from...

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Why 'Scratching the Surface'​ with Content Keeps You From Making a Bigger Impact

If we took our own advice, the world would be a very different place.

I was finishing a post about our willingness to stare down the truth and "go there."

To go deep and say what truly needs to be said.

Scratching the surface helps no one.

I was ready to hit PUBLISH, but something happened.

I threw up a little in my mouth.

Lots of words that scratch the Sue Young surface.

Even the Grammarly app I use deemed the engagement as “Bland.”


So I followed my own advice to "go there." 👀

This is the real deal, Take 2.

I'm days away from finishing a year-long Mastermind program.

I'm a firm believer in learning from people who are 5-10 steps ahead of me.

To do this, I plunked down $30,000 to join Emily's Mastermind.

And I'm not even close to reaching my business goals. 🤔

Surprisingly, I am OK with this.

Because Emily's group turned me upside down and inside out. Not so much as an entrepreneur but as a human being.

As the program wraps up, I’ve done a lot of reflecting.

I'm a...

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The Only Way to Get the Bold Transformation You're Dreaming Of

Your comfort zone is the most uncomfortable place to be.
It’s a space with a (BS) story that keeps you from making the impact you dream of.
It’s nearly impossible to have an impact on the outside world when self-doubt is affecting (impacting) your internal world. Your thinking.
Within our comfort zones lies "comfort zone stories." They keep us stuck and frustrated.
They are indeed…lies. 👀
Comfort zone stories are mental and emotional tugs of war.
They yank and pull at our self-esteem every day.
You know, the stuff no one wants to talk about but everyone experiences…🤦‍♀️
Comfort zone stories keep you from…
✔ Cleaning up your messaging
✔ Showing up in a big bold way
✔ Sharing your story and changing someone’s life
A longtime private coaching...
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How Our Internal Stories Slow Sales

I am LOVING my amazing client who brought in more money in Q4 of 2021 than all 3 previous quarters combined! 

Yep, John Woods beat a big competitor in the employee health benefits field.

The contract was worth $61,000.

 Here's the kicker: John had his best year—during the Pandemic! (Most of my other clients have as well )

 How did this banner year happen when John's marketing was inconsistent and paid ads didn't convert?  

 John says the results **finally** showed up…WHEN HE SHOWED UP, for himself. He made a commitment to private coaching with me. 

 And I immediately nailed John's real issue.

 It had ZILCH to do with marketing. 

 John had to clear out the blocks around his internal story and self-worth.

 John had never heard this from other coaches or consultants. 

He had to love his story --and himself--so decision-makers could appreciate his value and approach--and hire him. 

  Bottom line: If...

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7 Heartfelt Lessons from Brooklyn on International Women's Day 2021

I don’t need International Women’s Day (#IWD2021) to recall one of the women who has had a profound impact on my life.

She passed away in 1994, yet to this day, I talk about and think about her. Every. Single. Day. 


Her name was Nettie Freeman. My sisters and I called her "Mama." She was our maternal grandmother. 

Mama was born in 1899 in Brooklyn, New York. She was married for 63 years (to the same man), had three children and nine grandchildren. She lived to see 12 of her 21 great-grandchildren. She died at the age of 95.

How would Mama, who had a high school diploma and never worked outside the home, be an inspiration for International Women’s Day?

  • Mama had never been on an airplane.
  • She never lived anywhere except New York, and a short time in New Jersey.
  • So what could Mama have taught me about business and my career in the 31...
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The Confidence to Receive

We’re so quick to compliment others.

Still, most of us struggle to receive praise and kind words.

How do you respond when someone commends you on a business report, new hairstyle or an impressive run on the ski slopes?  

Do you smile and gracefully thank the other person?

Or do you deflect their comments and start overtalking?

Consider this scenario: A friend says, “I love your shirt; is it new?”  

One typical response is: “Yes, I got it on clearance and saved $20. I couldn’t have afforded the full price. The car broke down last week...”

Another common reply: “No, I’ve had this since last year; the button’s missing from the sleeve. Gosh, I’ve gotta buy some new clothes!”  

The best answer, however, is one that is uplifting, positive and shows your own deep confidence.


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5 Common Rookie Mistakes to Avoid When Looking for More Clients

"Just show up, share some value and post consistently." 

Entrepreneurs and coaches who want to be seen and heard must know how to show up.  Because showing up with valuable content brings credibility and clients. 

Your content is your ticket to business growth. 

But what does showing up as your true self (ok, the dreaded word "authentic") really mean???

How do you...

Comment on an active thread in a way that's not salesy or pushy? 

Figure out what people want from you? 

Avoid embarrassing yourself in front of everyone on the Internet?? 

You can't be seen as a credible go-to expert in your niche if you're always questioning your self-worth and value.  

If you want more clients, you've got to share your message online with pride. The business will follow.   

Your message = money

Publicity = profits  

Showing up in groups, chats and podcasts means you have deep-rooted confidence and belief in yourself.


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A News Reporter Dishes on Why Your Pitches Are Being Ignored—and How to Fix Them

Hundreds of people over the years have asked me why reporters and podcasters are so dang hard to reach.

Why are they grumpy, uninterested and non-responsive?


Here’s the secret:

Ninety-five percent of the pitches and “great story ideas” that are sent are irrelevant. They aren't newsworthy. They aren't valuable and “worthy” of an audience’s attention and interest.

It's that simple.

I was a radio news reporter and on-air anchor. I received thousands of pitches during my 10-year career in newsrooms in New Jersey and New York.

I decided what was newsworthy. I was the gatekeeper.

My audience depended on my sound judgement to share important, compelling and interesting stories that affected them.  The same is true today with reporters—and podcasters. They want subject matter experts—people like YOU!  

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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants