Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




Everything You Need to Consistently Get New Clients is Right Between Your...

Everything you need to blow the doors off your business right now is… between your… ears. 

You’ve done the hard work with school, training, and learning new skills.

So, WTF? ‍Why aren't your dream clients coming?

You've gotta get in front of them.

Showing up in a bigger bolder way and stepping into the spotlight may not be for everyone.

But it IS for people who want to share their gifts and story to make a bigger impact.  

Plenty of entrepreneurs, coaches, and business leaders are scrambling for new clients. I know it's hard to get noticed in our noisy online world.

But posting awkward dance videos and scrolling for hours can be an energy drain.  

I’ve been getting organic leads and clients for years. You may want to consider my process. It sure beats paid ads that rarely convert. 

I share my knowledge and story with captive audiences at conferences and meetings. You can, too. 

The audience wants to learn from...

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The 1 Soft Skill That's Key to Marketing — that Most Leaders Forget About

The charisma vibe.

Not many people are talking about it. That's why I'm going there.

'Cause I don't want you to skip this soft skill that I know is essential in business.  

Charisma is a magical quality that most people want. It makes business lighter and more enjoyable. 

Aren't you drawn to people who have that special magnetism, allure, charm, and appeal? That's charisma. 

The good thing about charisma is that it's a soft skill that's super valuable in communication.

It helps us build rapport, attract opportunities, and live more fulfilling lives. 

If you're not feeling the "charisma vibe," there's good news. You can develop it. 

Maybe you're like me.

You weren't born with a peppy, outgoing personality. No worries!

I began working on this 25 years ago, simply by watching alluring people.

I've been able to re-invent myself. And you can, too.

When you watch charismatic people who you admire, you'll notice they are...

  • Kind
  • Interested in  other...
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The 5 Words That Can Transform Your Life


There's no end to the books, blogs, and videos we can see that promise to change our lives.

I have no strategy, roadmap, or blueprint for you.

What I do have is a short mantra that's helped me make a deep transformation in my mindset, business and personal life.

Click here or above to watch the 1-minute video so you can access the mantra. 5 words.


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Do These 4 Things to Get Paid Speaking Gigs

Painfully blunt is the way my hubs describes me.

Not gonna mince words here.

If you’re pitching yourself to event organizers who hire speakers….and all you get are crickets and maybe a gig for “volunteer speakers” …you’re wasting your time and energy.

You DON’T need to:

Create a slick Speaker 1-sheet with new branded photos

Pay for a goofball “speaker reel” video that's staged with “real people”

Join Toastmasters or spend big bucks on a voice coach

Waste a ton of time, money, and energy writing a book

Here’s what you DO need to do:

Connect your topic to the theme of an event so that decision-makers know you "get" their audience

Have a 1-minute video clip from a real talk that showcases your personality and expertise

Work on your internal voice first so that you quiet self-doubt (and get contracts, not crickets!)

Fine-tune your topic and description so organizers see you're a polished pro (and they can easily...

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Your Messaging and Lead Gen Are Still Off Because You're Missing This Key Communication Piece

What do Donald Miller’s StoryBrand book, Toastmasters, and Dale Carnegie have in common?
They’ve pretty much missed the boat. 👀
You may have read StoryBrand. I loved it—and even interviewed Donald Miller in person in 2018. 
Toastmasters helped improve my public speaking in 2002. Big fan.
Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People was the first self-development book I read. Timeless.
Like me, you've probably invested in top coaches, books, and programs, too.
For some reason, though, your lead gen is still lousy, and your copy doesn't convert.
🎯The crucial prerequisite that's missing YOU!🎯
All the strategy in the world is useless if you are (silently) doubting yourself.
👀You see, our communication is an “inside job.”
To reach new levels of success, you’ve got to notice AND do something to stop...
• Your internal story...
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The Thing that Scares the Crap Out of Entrepreneurs

Celebrating my private coaching client Teri and her 3 new clients!  

I have SO much respect for Teri because she was open to seeing things from a fresh perspective.

In our first conversation, Teri admitted she needed clients for her new consulting practice. Still she was worried about spending the money to work together.  

You see, being a bold entrepreneur scared the crapola out of Teri. But instead of doing nothing and staying scared, she jumped in anyway.   

And within a few weeks of getting clarity around her message and online presence, Teri landed 3 new clients for her consulting business!! 

How did the shift happen?

Teri moved from limiting beliefs to bold when I said: Trust yourself. The Universe respects bold. 

I KNOW this is true because I experience it as well. It can be scary to make sizable investments in ourselves and our businesses.  

A few months ago, I was a wreck. I was deciding whether to invest $30k in a year-long...

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Getting Prospects to Believe You

I talk A LOT about how to introduce yourself so you are seen and heard --and grow your business.  

I am obsessed with my work not because people walk away with a concise introduction. 

Something is hiding deep beneath the words. And it has become my mission.  

It’s the real reason I do what I do. It has taken me a lifetime—59 years and torrents of tearsto understand my fixation on other people's stories.

It began when I was four years old. I didn't speak.

My parents thought I was deaf, but the doctor told them I was fine.

He said I didn't talk because I communicated in a way that didn't require words. When I was hungry, I’d bang on the refrigerator.

No words or voice were necessary.  

So, what does a little girl who did not speak until age 4 do with her life? 

I went to college and majored in mass communications. Go figure. 

I quickly found the campus radio station, a place filled with microphones and speakers...

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You Don't Need a Good Sales Pitch to Land Big Clients. You Just Need This.

Celebrating my INCREDIBLE client John Woods who is adding $250,000 in new business over the next 12 months (a 400% ROI) during the Pandemic while using my Story Funnel System!

And that’s only for part of his business!


John and I met when I was the keynote speaker at a Mastermind coaching program he was in.

Even though my presentation was online, John and I were able to connect quickly.

Yes, he was already enrolled in a high-level and high-priced business coaching program.

Still, something was missing around his message and mindset that kept him from reaching his true potential as an entrepreneur.

When the virus hit 18 months ago, John knew it was finally time to clean up his messaging and communication so he could speak confidently with corporate CFOs and close more clients.

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Your Story Is Right Under Your Nose

Are you busy scrambling to figure out how much to share, what to say, and how to reach your prospects?

Well, all the stories you need are right here… right now.

They’re literally under your nose. Let me share a quick story with you as an example.

One of my clients is working with me to get clarity on her message.

She’s hyper-focused on sharing the “right” story so she can attract dream clients who will love her new offerings and enroll in them.

So, on a recent coaching call, we hopped on Zoom and exchanged some pleasantries.

And she shared that the past week had been off-the-charts stressful.

Her college-age, athletic son had suddenly become really sick and needed two emergency surgeries.

She had been traveling and told me the remarkable story of her flight back home to her family.

Serendipitously, she found herself seated next to a pastor’s wife who offered comfort and conversation.

Both women were super grateful for the encounter. She walked...

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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants