5 Common Rookie Mistakes to Avoid When Looking for More Clients

"Just show up, share some value and post consistently." 

Entrepreneurs and coaches who want to be seen and heard must know how to show up.  Because showing up with valuable content brings credibility and clients. 

Your content is your ticket to business growth. 

But what does showing up as your true self (ok, the dreaded word "authentic") really mean???🙄

How do you...

💥Comment on an active thread in a way that's not salesy or pushy? 

💥Figure out what people want from you? 

💥Avoid embarrassing yourself in front of everyone on the Internet?? 

You can't be seen as a credible go-to expert in your niche if you're always questioning your self-worth and value.  

If you want more clients, you've got to share your message online with pride. The business will follow.   

Your message = money

Publicity = profits  

📢Showing up in groups, chats and podcasts means you have deep-rooted confidence and belief in yourself.

You feel worthy.

You know your message is important.   

You're willing to show up, share your opinions,  and be the leader you are! 

Then you stand in the spotlight and...

  • Have more clients and money 
  • Help more people
  • Make a bigger impact

⚡⚡Isn't that what you want? A more fulfilling life and career?⚡⚡

It's nearly impossible to live the life you desire when you're hiding behind a keyboard, afraid of being judged or screwing up.

So, give yourself a break!😲

There's no need to convince or persuade people to buy.

Have a deep conviction in your story, message and brand so that others: 

  • Believe you
  • Buy from you 
  • Brag to their friends about how wonderful you are so they'll buy, too!    

It's about confidence, credibility, and clarity.

Look, I've been a radio news reporter, publicist and entrepreneur for 35 years. I've won a bunch of awards along the way.

Please, allow me to share five common rookie mistakes entrepreneurs must avoid when trying to be more visible online.   

Rookie Mistake #1.

I can sell my products and services with an article, post, or interview. It's all about me! 

Posting is wonderful if it connects with your ideal client.

When posts are self-serving—like "here's my webinar, sign up for my newsletter, join my group," you miss the chance to develop a meaningful connection with someone you can help. Someone who can sign a contract.  

My recommendation is to post heartfelt content with a story or experience so that you're seen as a trusted leader; a real person.

You share as much or as little of your personality as you feel comfortable.  

A video, post, or interview that conveys a compelling story that's relevant and timely to your audience brings credibility and visibility.

Like all relationships and IRL (in real life), we must nurture friendships and allow them to take root over time.

The goal is to be a helpful expert, not a pushy salesperson. 

In business, it's critical you understand marketing touchpoints and the buyer's journey. 

Ten years ago, a business needed to be in front of a prospect between 8 and 10 times to make a sale.  

Today,  Hubspot reports that as many as 20 touchpoints are necessary before there's a sale.

Though we operate in real-time, prospects are taking their time when it comes to buying. 🕖

They research online, look for word-of-mouth referrals, and read Yelp reviews.  

Think email may be a shortcut?

Not so fast. 

Research from Seismic says buyers expect more personalized interactions – 85% already dismiss the first interaction if they don't receive tailored information.

The key? People want tot feel special. ❤

It takes time to understand your prospect's preferences, needs, and buying habits.

A generic email is a waste of time.   

Be patient and consistent so that your content attracts new clients and opportunities.

When you set aside the mindset "it's all about me" and flip your communication to help someone solve their challenge, they'll want to connect.

They'll want to get to know you.

They'll want to consume your content.

They'll want to sign the contract. 

Marketing extraordinaire and author Seth Godin says: "No one wants to do business with a selfish person." 

Rookie Mistake #2.

My ideal clients will jump at the chance to read my post so they can hire me.  

Not quite. No one cares about you, but don't be offended. 

They don't care about me either.  😥

They care about themselves and their own challenges. 👈

Let's reframe it. 

How are you going to help someone overcome their problem and be more successful? 

When you set your intention and mindset to help someone—to be of service—others begin to pay attention.  


Your message, post or video is the vehicle—the conduit—to the sale. 


Because you're showing people you "get them." You understand. You can help.  🤣

Here's the dealio…we are drowning in irrelevant messages, alerts, and emails.

No one wants more texts or direct messages from "friends."  

Be clear, credible and confident in your expertise and you'll close more business. There's nothing tricky, manipulative, or awkward. 

Show people through your content that you have  the skills, talents, and expertise to ease their pain

🎯They have the pain (the boo-boo), and you, as the go-to expert, has the magic band-aid so they'll feel better.

Your job? 

😍Be the Solution. 

Pique someone's curiosity so they'll want to continue the conversation and maybe even work with you. 💥

Rookie Mistake #3. Any group or hashtag will do.  

There is no shortage of groups or hashtags to follow on social media. Maximize these tools so you can hyper-focus on your expertise. 

For example, LinkedIn allows users to join up to 50 groups. I belong to the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) group, my industry's professional association.  

It's where I keep an eye on trends, news, and competitors. However, I don't get clients from this group.

I join groups and share my expertise in places where my ideal clients spend time. 

So if I want to work in the holistic health space, I would look for groups and chats with chiropractors and health and wellness coaches. That way I can help them with marketing, publicity, and getting visibility to grow their practices.  

It's the same with Facebook groups and hashtags on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. 

It's best to meet your prospects where they are, not where you feel comfortable.

Do the market research (don't guess, it's very expensive in business!).

If your peeps hang out on Pinterest and you're not familiar with the platform, learn it!

Don't complain that you're broke while you're poking around on Snapchat. 

Share valuable content with people who can hire you (see Rookie Mistake #2).   

Rookie Mistake #4.

People will figure out what I do. 

They won't. 😩

They'll keep scrolling and probably click over to your competition. 

The result?

You're leaving money on the table.

Every. Single. Day.  

Confusing language, industry jargon, and cutesy titles bring frustration. 

Research finds that humans have the attention span of a goldfish: 8.5 seconds.

Your job as an entrepreneur is to not only get someone's attention but keep their attention so they can buy from you.  

🎯Can you say or write in one sentence precisely what you do, who you do it for, and the results you get for satisfied clients? 🎯

Yep, you read this correctly…one sentence! 

In my Story Magnets class, which starts this week, I teach you how to communicate with clarity and confidence so you can close more clients.

No JAR—Jargon, Adjectives, and Rhetoric.

And I give you the templates for your 30-second one-line "elevator pitch" and the longer version of your story so that you feel comfortable talking about yourself, your journey, and the results you get for clients.  Then, more people will want to hire you. You'll have more money, control of your life and you'll feel more fulfilled. 

📢Here's the bottom line: I teach folks just like you how to communicate with confidence and clarity so that you can close more clients. So you can make a bigger impact. 

You must first be clear in your mind with the right words and intentions before you can adequately explain what you do to someone else.

My Story Magnets process is ridiculously simple because I give you the exact words, language, and formula to get people interested in having a conversation with you.

Conversations lead to closing. Confusion = Zero. 

Your prospects will be interested because you are interesting! 👈👈

All you need are:

💠The right words

💠In the right order

💠At the right time

💠To the right people

Your introduction and story will be so crystal clear that people will know exactly what you do so they can buy or refer you.

Give me 30 days in Story Magnets (less than 10 hours total) for this powerful professional and personal development program wrapped up in storytelling. Check out the details for Story Magnets here! 

Rookie Mistake #5.

I don't have a story to tell. And even if I did, who the heck would want to listen to it??!!  And how does it bring me sales??!!

Slow down, Skippy. 😩

As a news reporter for many years, I've done thousands of interviews. I've talked with everyone from homeless people to presidents. 

Here's a secret I learned years ago about telling stories, creating content, and building rapport with people.  

Every single one of us has a story to tell. 

And stories sell.

They connect humans intellectually and emotionally. 

But here's the catch: 

Most of our stories are hidden in the mundane everyday happenings of life. It's not the wedding, birth of a child, or graduation. 

I'm talking about the defining moments in your life that seem ordinary when they are actually EXTRA-ORDINARY.   

But you're soooo entrenched in your own life and the "things you do"… that you're missing your own story. 😲 And you're missing new clients and contracts.  

And you're not alone. 

It takes a curious set of fresh eyes and the reframe I teach in Story Magnets to show you how to:  

  • "Name the thing" (your defining moment and story) 
  • Write and craft it in a way that speaks to your brand and business —without any BS
  • Say it and share it with credibility, confidence and clarity so that you close more clients

When you uncover your story and know how to share it online or in person, you...   

✨Stand out when networking 

✨Introduce yourself confidently on podcasts, live videos, and in media interviews 

✨Share it on your "About Me" page

The stories are there for you. The clients are there for you. The contracts are there for you. 

All you have to do is uncover your story and connect it to your brand in a quick and clear way so that people connect with you and you close more business.  

Jump over to Story Magnets; the clients and money are waiting for you!  We start this week! 


Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants