Why the World Needs to Hear Your {Real} Story

She was molested by her father.
She was raped. Twice.
She suffered a traumatic brain injury and couldn’t leave her house for months.
He was teased incessantly for stuttering as a child.
She was in a psychiatric hospital many times—against her will.
He is an alcoholic who lost his driving privileges.
These are my clients. ❀
They are speakers, advocates, coaches, therapists, authors, and consultants.
Most share their stories because they want to impact others. They want to heal.
Infusing personal stories in our businesses—online or onstage—cracks open our humanness.
🎯It’s about the revelation.
An exceptional story exposes our mic-drop lessons that impact others, emotionally and spiritually.
Granted, sharing deep shame is not for everyone.
If you do feel called to use your voice and share your story, know this.
Fabulous storytellers and speakers take time to make sense of the lessons.
They structure their thoughts and feelings to craft a message that makes sense.
And resonates.
They know their words, silences, and body language have the power to move others to laughter and tears. πŸ’―
These stories almost always involve inner strength and resolve.
🎯It’s about the unfolding of yourself.
Look, who doesn’t love a freaking hero?
An ordinary Joe who rises from the dust like a Phoenix and conquers the unbearable.
Often, it’s a quiet comeback without a parade or made for TV movie. πŸ‘€
When we survive life’s drama and trauma, we prove one thing.
That we were able to keep the faith that somehow things would work out when all we kept seeing was a s**t show.
We trusted we would bounce back even though getting through the next 8 seconds or 8 hours felt excruciatingly painful.
🎯It’s about coming full circle.
Being willing to share your heartbreaks and triumphs allows you to show up as your real self.
The storybook version that's broken, tattooed, or screwy is suddenly perfect.
You come home to yourself.
It's when you know that the tears, dark thoughts, old beliefs, and hurtful people don’t rattle your existence.
🎯It’s about storytelling.
It’s about showing up in business as a human being, not a branded logo.
It’s about your willingness to dig deep within for the stories that truly impact others.
If you're feeling like that Phoenix rising from the dust, it just may be time to share your story.
What do you think?

Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants