Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




How Engineers Re-Invent Themselves as Confident Communicators

Welcome to the Future.

That's the theme of National Engineer's Week. It's a 73-year-old observance that's especially relevant to you today.

The National Society of Professional Engineers' goal is for a diverse, well-educated future workforce.

Why does this feel like a lofty milestone for a highly proficient and technical workforce?

Because at the core of the mission is your weakness.

Interpersonal communication.

Becoming an effective communicator demands more than an ongoing commitment to learn. 

It's about your willingness to evolve.

With this year's futuristic theme, engineering firms must get back to basics. 

Engineering programs need to teach the importance of how human connections ignite successful careers. 

Developing confidence, public speaking, and business networking skills are not one-off classes. 

They are different from credentialing programs.

Interpersonal communication in engineering doesn't involve pushing papers or file management.


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An Engineering Story to Take to Heart

Have you ever gotten a round of applause after giving a 15-minute sales presentation to an A/E/C prospect?

It happened to my engineering client last month.

As she told me about it on our group coaching call, she was incredibly proud.

So was I.

She used my tactics to connect a personal experience directly to the prospect.

She nailed the delivery, pacing, pauses, and body language.

This engineer shared a two-minute anecdote about her birthday.

It emotionally touched each person.

How do we know?

They clapped at the end of her presentation.

Her boss was in the meeting as well. He was stunned by her personality, confidence, and command of the room.

Yes, engineers can tell stories!

It's profound to skillfully share an ordinary moment and connect it to a bid.

Her boss says he sees significant growth in those enrolled in my Amplify group coaching.

Reach out if you want to transform your team's communication and clarity so you can...

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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants