Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




Do You Know Enough About the Prospects You're Pursuing?

The phone call was from a 215-Philly area code.

Assuming it was my cousin, Marc, I picked up the phone.

To my surprise, the caller was a woman who knew my first name. 

She asked to speak with the director of technology for my firm.

As an entrepreneur for 24 years, my firm has an agile team of freelancers and part-timers. 

Interestingly, the technology department is my husband. 

He's an IT project manager working in the next room in our home.

The key takeaway from this encounter is the importance of thorough research before shortlisted interviews and networking events.

Look online for insights about people you'll be interacting with so you know their values, projects, and interests.

You'll gain valuable information and have more meaningful and memorable conversations. 

This level of preparation not only establishes trust and respect. It also fosters genuine connections with decision-makers. 

Know your audience ahead of time. 

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Don't Read the Slides. Read This to Win Pursuits.

Reading slides in shortlisted interviews doesn't engage prospects.

Top-tier communicators in A/E/C know how to read the room.

Reading the room means you notice peoples' facial expressions, body language, and energy.

Do people in your presentations look distracted, impatient, or confused?

You must notice what people aren't saying.

Then, you can subtly re-engage and bring prospects back to your message without missing a beat.

Successful business development teams think on their feet in a split second. 

They know how to course correct.

There is no overwhelm or anxiety.

This technique is pivotal to winning pursuits and competitive projects.

You can learn to read the room (click the link so you can learn this skill) and form deeper connections with practice.

The slides are secondary.

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The Critical Business Angle Your Firm Needs to Beat Competitors

Angles and a 360-degree view extend beyond job sites and software.

Influential leaders are willing to explore fresh angles and perspectives in communication.

We need open minds and hearts in conversations, conflict resolution, negotiations, and presentations. 

This strategy affects creativity, confidence, and critical thinking skills. 

Can you say competitive advantage, innovation, and profitability?

New insights are necessary in conference rooms, coffee shops, and construction trailers. 

Often, there is no right or wrong. People simply have a contradictory or unique position. 

Are you open to different perspectives, views, and angles?

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Can't Get Out of Your Own Way? Watch this Video Clip So You Get Unstuck


So many people are oblivious to the negative self-talk loop playing in their heads every day. 

I was there most of my life. 

And I'm not there anymore. 

A/E/C coaching clients admit they beat themselves up with imposter syndrome.

Many feel unprepared for last-minute meetings.

Others are self-conscious about not having "all the answers."

Have you convinced yourself you lack the personality and confidence to step into leadership?

Does this resonate with you? 

The best news is that negative self-talk is not a permanent condition!

Self-awareness and trusting yourself bring empowerment and new energy. 

In this 2-minute video clip from the archives (2010!!), I shed light on how to transform with positive self-talk.  

Ready to get out of your own way and head? 

Click above to see the clip.

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How an Elevator Repairman Taught Me a Huge Communication Lesson


Life lessons come in so many different forms.  

Regardless of our expertise or education, seemingly ordinary experiences can bring powerful transformation. 

And they make for fabulous stories.

Can you spare 6 minutes to hear the heartwarming communication lesson I learned from a guy named Lamar?

It all unfolded in a podcast interview called Resilience in Action with host Erin Brown. 

Click the video above to hear the story, or click here.

And if you want to improve your business storytelling, hit me up.


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In Hot Pursuit of Curiosity

Communication tip for Architects, Engineers, and Construction Professionals: 

When pursuing new business, pursue curiosity at every turn of the project lifecycle.

Curiosity helps beat competitors as it: 

Engages people
Develops deep listening
Guides you to ask better questions (gather the proper intel) 
Improves critical thinking skills
and much more.

Curiosity is a business growth strategy and leadership trait that people can learn. 

Successful A/E/C project managers use it to win shortlisted interviews.

Reach out to discover how this powerful communications and marketing tool transforms your competitive advantage.

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A Pursuit Management Tip to Improve Your Decision-Making and Profits

Life, liberty, and pursuit management.

OK, so the US founding fathers said the pursuit of happiness.

For A/E/C purposes, the go/no-go phase of RFIs and proposals is critical to growth and competition. 

It's important to involve project managers and other key individuals in decision-making.

Have you considered inviting quieter staff who may or may not be client-facing? 

Their insights may have significant go/no-go consequences that improve productivity and profits.

The differentiator is within team communication and selecting the best bid opportunities.

Pursuit management must include the pursuit of the right people from your team. 

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Summer Interns Want Wisdom, Not Busy Work

LinkedIn feeds are brimming with welcome posts and smiling young faces of eager A/E/C summer interns.

Some may become employees at your firm.

How are leaders imparting wisdom and sharing experiences with interns — and staff?

Personal anecdotes and epiphanies aren't in curriculums and rubrics.

They are between your ears and in your heart.

You have invaluable stories and insights. 

The next generation in A/E/C needs and wants to learn from your troubles and triumphs. 

Aspiring talent is watching you. 

Your teams notice how you interact and communicate. 

Are you leading with heart and wisdom?

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Talking Points Are Risky Business in Communication

There is a difference between following the “stay on message” rule and answering a specific and clear question posed by a prospect or client. 

Know the difference and how to navigate these situations. 

They are significant factors; not just communication nuances. 

Your responses can influence, persuade, and build trust in A/E/C meetings. 

Or destroy your credibility and revenue.

We see it all the time in political debates. 

Don’t allow your communication strategies to backfire. 

Sticking to talking points to stay on message shows you're not paying attention. 

It shows you're not listening and thinking on your feet. 

It shows a lack of creativity and critical thinking skills. 

It shows an agenda that others probably don't want to hear in that given moment. 

Others appreciate when we connect and communicate like human beings, not scripts, templates, or talking points. 

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The Human Factor in A/E/C Communication is Timeless

It’s just a fad. 

That’s what people and business analysts said 20 years ago when social media started to take off. 

None of us has a crystal ball around how we’ll interact, connect, and communicate in the next 20 years. 

That’s why it’s so freakin’ important NOT to leave behind the timeless forms of human-to-human communication:

-Being curious 

-Giving others the gift of your attention 

-Asking meaningful questions and genuinely listening 

-Using stories to connect emotionally with people 

-Developing charisma so others feel comfortable around you

It’s impossible to replace these five qualities with technology. They certainly aren’t fads

It is absolutely possible to learn these skills and live a more fulfilling life—at work and home. 

Reach out if you want to finetune your communication, leadership, and business relationships. 

A/E/C teams that want to help grow firms and their careers need...

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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants