Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




Real A/E/C Leaders Aren't Chasing Buy-In

Getting buy-in from senior leadership or younger A/E/C staff isn't a one-off.

Buy-in pales in comparison to trust, loyalty, and honest relationships.

Buy-in feels like you're trying to convince someone or push them over the finish line to close a sale.

People who form deeper relationships and have mutual respect don't use this phrase.

They are the leaders who:


Talk things through

Gather insights

Ask for differing opinions

Appreciate wisdom

Then they make a decision.

Critical thinkers and responsible leaders have higher-level conversations. 

They don't need others to buy into anything.

Forget buy-in.

Instead, take the time to nurture relationships, listen deeply, be respectful, and be attentive.

Yes, you may get pushback. 

Differing opinions needn't be divisive; they are opportunities to learn and evolve.

If you want to improve communication and build consensus, don't consider it "buy-in." 

Instead, be strategic and welcome others' input....

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Are You Making this Huge Communication Mistake?


Sending mixed messages to prospects and clients leads to confusion.

Does your body language match your words?

Here's a 30-second video example of a classic disconnect.

I coach an engineer in our Amplify program who tells the group he's got exciting things underway.

Watch what happens. 

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Adding Curiosity to Your Communications Toolbox


We are celebrating A/E/C pros who know how to use curiosity in communication and sales.

I met Sydney Unnerstall recently. She's an emerging leader and marketing coordinator at Vessel Architecture in St. Louis.

After my communications presentation at an SMPS regional conference, Sydney jumped at the chance to transform business conversations by being curious.

"I have started asking more relevant questions and hiding less since I attended Susan's program at the SMPS conference," she said.

"These go hand-in-hand with feeling more confident as I gain experience in meetings and with clients."

You get quality information when you ask quality questions (and listen deeply).

Sydney adds a couple of more quick gems in this 30-second video.

Take a look above.  

And reach out if your emerging leaders want to be more effective communicators. Our "Amplify for Emerging Leaders" online group coaching program is now available. Details are here!

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3 Things Powerful Presenters Do to Win New Business


Here's the secret sauce to nailing new clients.

Great news: You don't have to know everything and you don't need a script!

Take a look at this two-minute video. 

And reach out if you want your emerging leaders in A/E/C to be more effective communicators.

Our next round of Amplify (online group coaching) starts soon!

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Developing Employees Requires Engaging Them

Almost everyone in A/E/C is on a leadership and succession planning kick.

Employee acquisition and retention in our ongoing labor shortage poses unique challenges.

Interestingly, the challenges all circle back to communication.

YOUR communication.

We're often quick to pass the buck to our post-COVID world.

Or to Gen Z and their phone addictions.

Or to TikTok influencers and goofball memes.

Look, no one is to "blame" for the industry's struggles with interpersonal communication.

It's time to take ownership of our collective responsibility so we can all do better.

Like a drone, business and personal growth requires us to see the big picture.

This framework will get you started:

  • Exploring: Thousands of years ago, curious cave dwellers went on daily quests to find food. The word "quest" is the root of questions.

Are you asking yourself the right questions to uncover the root of what your team really needs? 

Are conversations and meetings nourishing and...

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Elevate C-Suite Communication with These 4 Quick Questions

Hats off to A/E/C execs who admit there are weak spots in how top leaders communicate.

It's easy to look at younger staff and generational differences.

The C-suite litmus test for effective leadership is to assess your peers and colleagues. 

The upper echelons of your org chart are no different than the rank and file.

You know, the person who shows 20 pictures of his kids in a meeting.

Or the executive who misses subtle clues that others aren't paying attention.

Maybe your highly proficient peers are talking over decision-makers in meetings.

Think about top managers, directors, principals, and yourself. 

Do you know today's strategies around building trust, consensus, and influence?

They must have new tools for conflict resolution and concise agendas in meetings.

Can you share a mesmerizing story? 

Are you overdue for a communications refresher and new skills?


Why not?

Why not this?

Why not now?

Professional development...

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4 Essentials to Sharing an Impactful Business Story in A/E/C


Stories connect us as human beings.

A/E/C leaders know the value of relationships and connections that build business.

Why do so few of you use the power of storytelling in business development presentations?

Most people are uncertain about what story to share and how to make it relevant to prospects. 

The key is in this 40-second clip (above) from a podcast interview with Evan Troxel, NCARB.


The full video episode is here.

Click here to access the audio file.

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Simple Communication Brings New AEC Clients


What does the "Easy" button look like for your clients? 

Keeping things simple in a complex, data-driven industry is essential.

It's about being a more effective communicator. I share insights in this 1-minute video.

Take a look. 

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The Best Questions to Ask When You Lose a Bid Proposal

If you want quality information, you've got to ask quality questions.

Waiting to hear back on a bid proposal you submitted months ago to ask why a prospect didn't choose you flies in the face of this.

Bottom line: You're in sales and marketing. 

Do your homework so that you have higher-level conversations. 

Ask better questions of yourself and your team. 

It's on you to deeply understand and know.

This is the way, A/E/C. 

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How Engineers Re-Invent Themselves as Confident Communicators

Welcome to the Future.

That's the theme of National Engineer's Week. It's a 73-year-old observance that's especially relevant to you today.

The National Society of Professional Engineers' goal is for a diverse, well-educated future workforce.

Why does this feel like a lofty milestone for a highly proficient and technical workforce?

Because at the core of the mission is your weakness.

Interpersonal communication.

Becoming an effective communicator demands more than an ongoing commitment to learn. 

It's about your willingness to evolve.

With this year's futuristic theme, engineering firms must get back to basics. 

Engineering programs need to teach the importance of how human connections ignite successful careers. 

Developing confidence, public speaking, and business networking skills are not one-off classes. 

They are different from credentialing programs.

Interpersonal communication in engineering doesn't involve pushing papers or file management.


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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants