Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




7 Scary AF Communication Habits — and Sweet Solutions

You know what "THEY" say?

Everything is bigger in Texas.

It's especially true of Halloween. People here go bat-s**t crazy on this festive day.

So here are 7 frightening communication habits.   

 Use this self-assessment to clean up your communication.  

  1. You refuse to receive. Someone offers a compliment on your clothing. You deflect and show them the button missing on your sleeve. Solution: Shut up, smile, and say thank you.‍ 
  1. You listen to ghastly people. Well-intentioned family, friends, and even strangers can scare the beJesus out of you. Let's believe most mean well. Still, they could be clueless about your journey, intentions, whatever. Solution: Don’t drink the Kool-Aid. Shut up, smile, and tune them out. Then run away. Fast.‍ 
  1. You overshare. When the doorbell rings on Halloween, do you offer the kiddos every morsel of food in your pantry? No. You give them what you think they need, want, or may enjoy. Otherwise, their...
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Everything You Need to Consistently Get New Clients is Right Between Your...

Everything you need to blow the doors off your business right now is… between your… ears. 

You’ve done the hard work with school, training, and learning new skills.

So, WTF? ‍Why aren't your dream clients coming?

You've gotta get in front of them.

Showing up in a bigger bolder way and stepping into the spotlight may not be for everyone.

But it IS for people who want to share their gifts and story to make a bigger impact.  

Plenty of entrepreneurs, coaches, and business leaders are scrambling for new clients. I know it's hard to get noticed in our noisy online world.

But posting awkward dance videos and scrolling for hours can be an energy drain.  

I’ve been getting organic leads and clients for years. You may want to consider my process. It sure beats paid ads that rarely convert. 

I share my knowledge and story with captive audiences at conferences and meetings. You can, too. 

The audience wants to learn from...

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The 1 Soft Skill That's Key to Marketing — that Most Leaders Forget About

The charisma vibe.

Not many people are talking about it. That's why I'm going there.

'Cause I don't want you to skip this soft skill that I know is essential in business.  

Charisma is a magical quality that most people want. It makes business lighter and more enjoyable. 

Aren't you drawn to people who have that special magnetism, allure, charm, and appeal? That's charisma. 

The good thing about charisma is that it's a soft skill that's super valuable in communication.

It helps us build rapport, attract opportunities, and live more fulfilling lives. 

If you're not feeling the "charisma vibe," there's good news. You can develop it. 

Maybe you're like me.

You weren't born with a peppy, outgoing personality. No worries!

I began working on this 25 years ago, simply by watching alluring people.

I've been able to re-invent myself. And you can, too.

When you watch charismatic people who you admire, you'll notice they are...

  • Kind
  • Interested in  other...
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How to Stop Wasting Time on Sales Calls — and Still Make 6 Figures

No one-off sales or discovery calls. No weird scripts or pitches. No “pick your brain” peeps who won't hire you anyway.    

I’ve had these calls before too. You know, first, you meditate, rock out to a favorite song to get energized (Bruce Springsteen’s Thunder Road for me), recite mantras…blah blah blah. 

What if instead of talking with one prospect at a time, you could speak to 20 prospects…or 200?

And they're all warm leads coming to YOU at one time. #Stopthechase 

Sweet, right? 

This is the business and marketing strategy of successful (paid) speakers. 

  • It’s what I learned in 2000 when I started my PR company and joined the National Speakers Association. 
  • It’s what I’ve been teaching to entrepreneurs, coaches, and business leaders for years.
  • It's the business of speaking.
  • It's a sales funnel before I knew what a sales funnel was. 

Here’s how it works. 


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Top 3 Tips to Get You Started as a Paid Speaker

Showing up isn’t worth Jack these days.

In fact, it never was.

Showing up AND getting paid to speak up is different.

Because you're communicating in a strategic way that's relevant and meaningful to others. Now that's worth something. It's about selling your expertise AND getting in front of a captive audience (lead gen!).  

It’s a smart way of doing business that requires a tinge of boldness and self-confidence. 

It’s not about being pushy or arrogant.

It’s knowing deep in your heart that your knowledge and experiences will impact people who hear you.

It’s you knowing that your voice matters. 

And it does.

The question is: Are you bold enough to pitch yourself to event organizers who can book you? 

Look, anyone can take up space. It's a higher-level conversation when you're paid as a subject matter expert. more hiding.

Here are my 3 top ways to get in the door with people who can book you to speak online and on...

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Everyone Can Hear You

Our communication is an “inside job.”

Whatever story we believe about ourselves becomes the soundtrack of our lives.

  • I always get in a sales rut in the summer.
  • I need to hire an assistant but I’m not making enough money.
  • I suck at online networking.

When you have a high level of self-awareness, you notice the internal chatter. Then, if it's toxic, you can make a change.

The good thing is that you can decide anytime, any day, to re-record your self-talk jabbering.

You control the radio dial in your head.

So what are you listening to???

A soundtrack of worry, weeds, and unworthiness? 

Or are you tuned to a soundtrack of success and live with a sense of ease and optimism?

Getting real here.

I have often kidded myself into thinking no one else can hear my berating voice.

Sound familiar? 

I was soooo wrong.

Talking s**t about ourselves is sneaky.

It creeps into our conversations, emails, messaging, and BD meetings. Every. Single. Day.

When we decide to...

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A Body Language Tip to Make You Smile


Our non-verbal communication is VERY telling.

Words wield power. Still it's our gestures, facial expressions, and body language that speaks volumes!

Today is World Smile Day. How does this tie into our business communication?

In this 3-minute video, I'll tell you how. Watch it here.


PS: If you're on LinkedIn and want to subscribe to my new newsletter, Become Known + Make an Impact... subscribe here.

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The 5 Words That Can Transform Your Life


There's no end to the books, blogs, and videos we can see that promise to change our lives.

I have no strategy, roadmap, or blueprint for you.

What I do have is a short mantra that's helped me make a deep transformation in my mindset, business and personal life.

Click here or above to watch the 1-minute video so you can access the mantra. 5 words.


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Sidestep Algorithms and Ads to Get in Front of Your Ideal Clients


No clue about algorithms.

No money for ads.

No problem!

You can STILL grow your business and always have warm leads when you learn the strategy I've been using for 20+ years. 

My clients, including Maria Swann, use this strategy. Maria now has wait lists--and higher rates! You can, too.

I explain it in the video above. Check it out! 

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Want to Be a Podcast Guest?


Whether you're a guest on a podcast or you host one, it's super important to be prepared for the right and best conversation.

It starts long before you start recording. 

This 3-minute video sheds light on how to find the right show, virtual event, and audience to share your expertise. (Hint: Your interview is an organic lead magnet!)

Click the video above to watch and learn! 

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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants