Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




Introduce Yourself Without Talking About Processes

A/E/C = Processes.

Networking and business growth = People.

Then processes.

First, you metaphorically nudge the door open.

Focus your 30-second elevator pitch on the other person.

Processes take more than 30 seconds and are cumbersome.

Your job in business development and shortlisted meetings is to avoid cumbersome.

Instead, pique people's curiosity. There's no need to be a walking bid package.

Nudge the door open.

Be interesting so they are interested.

When a prospect invites you to a meeting or coffee, ease into the process. But only if asked.

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A/E/C Wins Bid Packages with This 1 Quality

When do you feel the most confident?

When you know in your heart you've prepared and are ready. 

You FEEL self-assured and skilled at what you do.

You trust yourself at a deep core level. 

Forget the business adage that feelings don't belong in the office.

You have to consider how you physically feel when you think about:

With physical tightness, anxiety, or a headache, you're not ready. 

You can't be confident and win bids when you don't feel secure and strong. 

Architects, engineers, and construction pros win bid packages by preparing their data.

And their mindsets.

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Crushing Sales Presentations Requires This 1 Thing

Forget the kitchen sink. 

Prospects want essential and compelling data. 

And a story to make the (dry) data come alive.

You prepare with your Business Development team DAYS ahead of your shortlisted interview. Maybe even a week (gasp!) 

Scrambling to prepare hours before your meeting won't work well. 

There's too much on the line.  

And you never, ever "wing" any part of your A/E/C presentation. 

  • You and your colleagues know who will speak and what they'll say. 
  • You have a point person who can course-correct when prospects look bored or confused. #Readtheroom
  • You value the preparation process so that you boldly show up and win trust and new projects. 

Strong communicators give themselves the space and grace necessary to succeed.

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3 Soft Skills Needed to Grow Business

Soft skills can be hard to learn, especially if you're analytical and logical. These left-brain thinkers have careers in science, math, and the trades.

Many work in architecture, engineering, and construction.

A lack of communication and people skills translates into lost revenue and relationships.

This week, I was featured on The article covers leadership and the three essential soft skills for business growth.

Storytelling is one of the communication tactics I talk about.

Read the post here for all three tips.

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How Your Teams' Communication Impacts Profits

School construction is a huge revenue source for many of my A/E/C clients.

You don't have to design and build schools to know the value of learning.

Taking time to develop new skills to grow your firm is a no-brainer.

Consider networking, for example.

Many of my coaching clients tell me they go to industry events without an intention or introduction.

They say they stink at small talk.

You can guess what happens next.

They return to the office feeling unproductive and overwhelmed.

You could have, would have, or should have been working on a bid package. Maybe you could have finalized new sub schedules.

The networking was a bust, even though your ideal clients were there.

Lost revenue and opportunities hurt.

I coach and teach strategic networking.

Project managers, supervisors, estimators, and others I coach are fortunate that principals know communication directly impacts profits.

The beauty is that the same people skills apply to BD presentations.

Here's the...

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Subject Matter Experts have These Qualities. Do You?

To be seen as a subject matter expert, you must know how to articulate your message.

It's not tricky.

The magic isn't in a bid package.

It's not about your slide deck.

It's not about how long you've been in the A/E/C industry.

You have to feel like a subject matter expert and leader.

You have to be willing to speak up. With Confidence. Charisma. Heart. Stories.

At meetings and conferences. Podcast and media interviews. On videos. At internal gatherings.

Look, you know your "stuff."

If the communication piece is missing, you can't share your knowledge and wisdom. #Fact

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AEC Sales Presentations Need Outstanding Communication, Not Golf Balls

Business development and sales tip for A/E/C leaders: 

Golf lessons don't replace communication training. 

I talked recently with Jeff Sample, a new friend and entrepreneur. We chatted about leadership and mindset.  

Sure, business deals happen on golf courses.

Jeff told me about an AEC firm paying for engineers' golf lessons.

No. No. No.

Successful Seller Doer meetings demand clear, relatable presentations peppered with storytelling. 

No golf balls or lessons necessary.

Prospects expect you to connect the dots and differentiate your firm from others. 

Architects, engineers, and construction pros don't learn this on the back 9. 

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Paying Attention to What's Keeping You Stuck


We all get stuck from time to time. 

Usually, from my experience, we get stuck in our own heads.

We get in our own way. 

In this 1 minute video, I'll show you how to break the habit so you can reach whatever goal you're wanting. 

Click to watch the video.

And reach out if you want the step-by-step process so you can truly claim your power!  



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Tired of Low Productivity and Miscommunication? Do This.

Work with a sense of urgency.

High achievers do it all the time. 

What about having a sense of urgency to improve communication skills? 

Not technology tools. I'm talking about interpersonal relationships. 

There's been a flurry of posts and infographics about communication in today's workplace.

The suggestions include: 

  • Don't complain
  • Be assertive and empathetic 
  • Be a team player 

These recommendations are covered in cobwebs and dust. 

Hello, 2023. 

Too many industries work with a sense of urgency around technology and equipment.

But problems arise when human communication is not a priority.  

Most employees don't know the new brain science and psychology behind our communication. 

Yes, there are legit concerns about people skills. 

First, though, we must have high levels of self-awareness. 

Internal communication and narratives have to shift. As you clear out limiting beliefs, interacting with others is much...

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Showing Up Big or Shrinking Back? Read This to Figure It Out

Showing up.

Are you full-on in or farting around? 

Showing up in a big, bold way every single day may sound demanding.

It's certainly not for the mediocre. 

Leaders and entrepreneurs who show up big rarely flinch at doing the work. They have a continuous improvement plan for their professional and personal growth.

It reaps big rewards.  

Showing up big and adding value every step of the way isn't about being a blustery blowhard.

Successful leaders have humility.

They don't need to be the center of attention to have a presence.

Their simplicity and modesty are enough.   

When we commit to excellence, we can bring immeasurable value to others.

Businesses grow. People develop. Things get done with ease. 

Here are 3 ways to add value to your work, clients, and life:  

1. Anticipate; don’t react. Adding value to client relationships is obsolete. You've gotta consistently add IMMENSE value. This means you study,...

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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants