Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




I Just Want to Sound Like Me


Famous last words: I just want to sound like me.

...But no one buys, my podcast audience has 4 listeners, I feel invisible...

I got ya.

The easiest way to improve your communication, grow your business, and feel more confident is with BS: Baby Steps.

The best part: You'll always stay true to yourself. Watch the quick video here.

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Listening Requires This 1 Thing

Did you know the words LISTEN and SILENT are an anagram?

The same letters in a different order.

You can't listen with your mouth open.

Shut your mouth.

Then your mind (and heart) will open.

Listen intently so you don't miss the small details.

Have deeper connections.

Beat the competition.

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Why You Shouldn't Be Exhibiting at Conferences

Remember wallpaper? 

It was a "thing" back in the day. 

And people would say: "Don't blend in with the wallpaper."

Translation: Stand out, get noticed, and be visible.

Don't be a wallflower. 

Blending in makes us feel invisible, ordinary, and maybe even dull.

It repels people and opportunities. It happens every day online. 

And at conferences. Most people don't seem to mind blending in at industry events.  

This week, I saw a few people I know posting pictures of themselves exhibiting at a trade expo. 

Some of the posts were from past coaching clients. 

They are REALLY good at what they do.

They know their sh*t.

They work hard and often exceed their goals. 

Why spend time in a booth when you could speak at a workshop down the hall?

To a captive audience who wants to learn from you. And maybe hire you.

Do you see yourself in an endless row of vendors trying to muster up conversations while handing out candy and...

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Be More Conversational and Build Connections with this Communication Tip


People have been asking how they can sound more conversational, not scripted on...

  • Sales calls
  • Podcasts (hosts and guests)
  • Videos and interviews

I've interviewed more than 6,000 people during my radio and communications career.

Learn the secret in this 3-minute video.

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The Christmas Story You May Not Know

There's nothing better than a heartwarming holiday story.

Here's one you may not have heard before.

It's from Jackie Gleason.

He portrayed Brooklyn bus driver Ralph Kramden on the 1950s TV show, "The Honeymooners." It's always been one of my favorite shows and holiday stories...

"You know something, sweetheart? Christmas is… well, it’s about the best time of the whole year.

When you walk down the streets, even for weeks before Christmas comes, and there’s lights hanging up, green ones and red ones, sometimes there’s snow and everyone’s hustling some place.

But they don’t hustle around Christmastime like they usually do.

You know, they’re a little more friendlier… they bump into you, they laugh and they say, “Pardon me. Merry Christmas”… especially when it gets real close to Christmas night.

Everybody’s walking home, you can hardly hear a sound. Bells are ringin’, kids are singing, the snow is...

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It's Curiosity that Converts Prospects

We create content.

We build funnels.

We set up systems.

We write marketing and business plans.

But do you know how to create curiosity and become known?

Curiosity is a soft skill that most people miss.

Exceptional communicators and sales pros don’t focus on stuffy scripts.

No one needs more jargon.

We crave intrigue and desire.

Gary Vaynerchuk agrees.  

When you post something that grabs (and keeps) someone's attention, you've intrigued them.

They want to know more.

You get them:

Thinking (not confused)




Curiosity moves conversations forward.

You planted the seed.

They look at your website or Insta profile.

Maybe they subscribe to your newsletter.

You get points if they share your post.

You create a buzz around you and your brand.

This happens when you make people curious.

It rarely happens when you ask "open-ended questions” and grovel hoping you'll close a prospect.

For f**k's sake.

I approach every conversation—sales or...

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15 Communication Tips You Can Use For An Easy Thanksgiving

Shifting gears for today's post. 

I usually write about business communication.

Since most of us in the US won’t be working on Thanksgiving, we’ll have to communicate with relatives and friends.

Damn, it may be easier to go to work!

Here are 15 quick tips to help make your day festive and enjoyable.

Bookmark this post, as it will come in handy for the entire holiday season!

1. Forget previous holidays, discussions, disagreements, and conversations. Go in with a clean slate and an open mind that you will have a fabulous and relaxing day.

2. Close your mouth. Not every comment or question requires an answer. Silence and a smile are powerful. In other words, bite your tongue. This leads me to…

3. Use the phrase, “Isn’t that interesting?” If Uncle GrouchAF drops some off-color remarks, recite these three magical words. “Isn’t that interesting?” neutralizes most conversations. This phrase...

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The Only Place To Be In Business Is In Your Prospects Head

The best place to be in business is in someone else's head.

Don’t tell prospects everything you do. Introductions are often like that.

A verbal vomit.

Share the right things.

Tell them the right things in an order that makes sense to where they aspire to be.

Our brains need info that flows logically and seamlessly.

Your prospect wants to quickly understand in an easy and clear way what your expertise means to them.

How is your business going to help THEM?

Your introduction and message aren't about you. (Helloooo!)

Oh, people may look interested.

Don't be fooled. Your process and credentials only matter when someone asks about them.

That's because people care about themselves. They want to know how you can make their life easier.

Until then, they don't give a rat’s ass about how you work your magic.

The tricky communication part is that no one tells you this!

People want to be polite (most of the time).

But I know that in business, the best place you can...

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Stories Are Your Marketing Strategy

The highest-paid people in the room are exceptional storytellers.

 That’s because stories connect us emotionally as human beings. 

 And people who know how to capture the essence of a good story become marketing machines.

No weirdo sales pitches or presentations.

No chasing.

No worrying about the economy.

Or having that hard talk with your partner or kids that the holidays will be lame cause money is tight. 

When you skillfully use stories in business, there are no weirdo sales pitches. Instead, you have easy, friendly, and heartfelt conversations that convert. 

You’re gold.

You have sustainable business growth with new clients who are exciting to work with. 

Look, storytelling isn’t a fad that’s going out of style anytime soon.

There IS a place for it in business.

I remember being told for years that emotions don’t belong in the workplace.

That ship has sailed.

And that’s where stories come in. 

So how...

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Too Many Businesses Are Missing Media Interviews Because of This

If you think your inbox is overflowing with junk messages and stuff you don’t care about, what if it were 100x worse? 

This is what reporters are trying to manage.

Every. single. day.

Plus, their jobs are all about tight deadlines, breaking news, crabby bosses, and low pay. 

It's nothing new.

Before technology, reporters were drained by irrelevant faxes and phone calls.

Pointless pitches that aren't clearly valuable to their audiences.

Maybe you're wondering why you get crickets when emailing a 3-page self-serving story idea about your book???

You know, the one with 6 attachments, 27 links, and 14 questions.

Reporters need to see something interesting that jumps off the screen.

So how do you grab the attention (and trust) of the media so that you land a coveted interview?


When you know why your story is relevant to a reporter and their audience, there's a shift. 

You have to know what...

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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants