Here's the dealio about productivity and meeting tight deadlines on multiple projects.
Are you working on the right problem?
I ask myself this question more than once a day.
And often, the answer is a resounding NO!
A 'NO' response allows you and your team to refocus and prioritize tasks more efficiently.
The result is fewer frustrating meetings and miscommunication.
Being attentive to your attention gets you back on track quickly.
Look, everyone is busy.
The real question is: Busy doing what???
If you want continuous business improvement, this is it.
Almost everyone in A/E/C is on a leadership and succession planning kick.
Employee acquisition and retention in our ongoing labor shortage poses unique challenges.
Interestingly, the challenges all circle back to communication.
YOUR communication.
We're often quick to pass the buck to our post-COVID world.
Or to Gen Z and their phone addictions.
Or to TikTok influencers and goofball memes.
Look, no one is to "blame" for the industry's struggles with interpersonal communication.
It's time to take ownership of our collective responsibility so we can all do better.
Like a drone, business and personal growth requires us to see the big picture.
This framework will get you started:
Are you asking yourself the right questions to uncover the root of what your team really needs?
Are conversations and meetings nourishing and...
Communication Tip:
Ghosting professional people isn't cool.
Especially those you know.
Don't read into this.
I don't have an axe to grind or a person in mind.
But I have been ghosted occasionally.
Sure, we're all busy.
Still, you DO have a split second for a quick acknowledgment or emoji.
And it takes 12 seconds to type: "I'm in the midst of a big project and deadline. Thanks for reaching out."
Common sense and courtesy go a long way.
Listen closely.
You can practically hear the clock ticking.
As New Year’s Eve approaches, the world is keenly aware of hours, minutes, and seconds.
Look, I love a party, but making resolutions irks me, and here's why.
Have you resolved to quit binge-watching Netflix and volunteer as a mentor in your community? Or finally launch your podcast? Or worse…join the gym? (gassssp!)
Let's get real.
You don’t need a split second on Dec. 31st when the ball drops in Times Square to get on track. You have the power right now to do better.
It's not a resolution; it's a decision.
You can simply DECIDE—like I have done for many years—to stop waiting for the countdown, champagne, and party hats. It's called stalling and giving away your power.
I used to put soooo much pressure on...
“Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week.”—Spanish Proverb
Much has been written about time and procrastination.
We often don’t realize how precious time is until faced with a crisis, usually related to our health or mortality.
Clearly, 2020 has been a cruel teacher.
Still, long before the pandemic, most people spent obscene amounts of time watching mindless reality shows and complaining about something..anything.
We dwell on our past mistakes.
We worry about future problems that likely will never come to pass.
We read books on time management and productivity.
We fool ourselves.
And here we are on the brink of 2021 keenly aware of our precious time.
Social media is packed with posts and stories assessing the past 12 months.
Pundits are...
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