Susan Young's
Amplify Blog




Listening Requires This 1 Thing

Did you know the words LISTEN and SILENT are an anagram?

The same letters in a different order.

You can't listen with your mouth open.

Shut your mouth.

Then your mind (and heart) will open.

Listen intently so you don't miss the small details.

Have deeper connections.

Beat the competition.

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You Can Have Easy, Casual Conversations on Podcast and Summit Interviews

Ready to energize and impact more people on podcasts, summits, and virtual events?

Whether you’re a host or a guest expert, toss out your list of questions.

You've gotta trust yourself and let things flow naturally.

From my experience, the most memorable interviews are just easy, casual conversations.

They're enjoyable for the host, guest, AND audience!

People remember intriguing conversations, stories, personalities, and takeaways.

When others like what they hear and see, they’ll...

· Recommend and refer you

· Sign up for your stuff

· Join –and engage—in your community

· Hire you

Hosts and guests who trust themselves (and each other) aren't rigid or stuck to a script.

They look forward to something spicy coming up.

They expect to hear a nugget that's fresh and intriguing.

They feel comfortable not knowing each word and question.

They know that they know their stuff without a list of questions.

They prepare--and listen--in a...

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The 1 Trait You Need to Close More Sales

In elementary school, most of the girls I knew were told they “talk too much in class.”

Both of my sisters got those lovely comments on their report cards from time to time.

Not me.

I was a roamer.

I didn’t talk all that much; I wanted out. Out of whatever classroom I was in.


I have insatiable curiosity.

I saw myself as “life’s little observer.”

 I always sensed that something interesting was happening…somewhere else.

And I was hell-bent on finding out where it was, who was involved, how things were playing out, and even why.

My modus operandi was simple. Ask for a bathroom pass or volunteer to deliver something to the library, office, or anywhere.

And get the hell out.

I felt like Maya Angelou’s “caged bird” trapped in Mrs. Rosenthal’s 3rd-grade classroom.

Of course, the tall people in charge at Woodbrook Elementary School –and my parents—weren’t keen on this roaming thing. (Wasn't I a...

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Story Magnets:
How to Talk About Your Business So Dream Clients Buy From You

A 6-week online group training for experienced entrepreneurs, coaches, therapists, and consultants